

February 6, 2020

#GetHerLook: Get Your Glow Back


In 2020, the key beauty keyword is "translucent skin". It's not easy to have flawless and radiant skin, but don't be discouraged by inadequate innate care. As long as you have cosmetics in hand, nothing is impossible in this world.

September 19, 2019

#GetHerLook: “Go for the gold”


Gold makeup has always given people a glamorous and old-fashioned feeling, but when gold is used as an accent rather than the main color tone, it exerts a unique embellishing effect. Not only does it add freshness to your monotonous eye makeup colors, but it also optimizes contours without appearing swollen. Can you resist falling in love with this subtle golden charm?

March 21, 2019

#GetHerLook: When in Doubt, Wear Polka Dots


Instead of putting polka dots all over your body in a cliché way, why not incorporate them into your makeup? Replace eyeshadow and eyeliner with circular shapes, allowing polka dots to bring endless possibilities to your look.

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