March 12, 2020

#GetHerLook: Pamper Me


During this period of everyone fighting against the epidemic, everyone’s awareness of hygiene and cleanliness has greatly increased compared to before. People are constantly washing their hands, washing their hands, and even showering and washing their hair more frequently. If personal hygiene is taken care of, what about skincare? After all the crazy hand washing and showering, can’t you feel your dry skin complaining?


When washing hands and taking a shower become as natural as breathing, you should also take care of your hands and body as a matter of course. Constant cleaning and disinfecting, killing bacteria also harms the skin. If you do not pay attention to timely moisturizing, after the successful fight against the epidemic, your skin may be on the brink of irreparable death.

Wash and disinfect your hands regardless of the size of the matter. Your hands have already shown signs of warning. If you don’t believe it, please zoom in on your hands. Have you seen the whitening at the joints? Have you seen the tight skin on the palms? After washing your hands each time, it’s best to apply hand cream immediately to protect your skin. If you’re afraid of a sticky feeling, it’s recommended to use a moisturizing hand cream as a base first, then apply a lighter-textured product after absorption to reduce stickiness. Before bed, you can also apply a thicker hand cream, put on gloves, and make your own hand mask!

1. AVEDA Hand Relief $270/125ml
2. THREE Hand & Arm Cream AC $275/50g

1. Combining embroidery thread chrysanthemum seed oil, Eurasian licorice extract, and a suitable amount of fruit acid helps soften and improve skin cracking, enhancing skin texture. Continued use can reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and dark spots, repairing rough, dry, aging hands.

Adding essential oil ingredients, the 94% natural formula can moisturize hands, helping the skin restore its defense function. The texture feels comfortable, never sticky, and when used on fingertips, it does not leave obvious oily fingerprints.

Since the beginning of autumn, my skin has been in a constant state of dryness and itching, with flakes and even cracks that bleed. With increased body cleansing due to the pandemic, the situation has worsened. The lack of natural oils to nourish the skin is exacerbated by frequent washing. To restore moisture to the skin, it is recommended to use oil-based products after bathing, such as baby oil or body care essential oils, followed by a layer of moisturizing lotion. Additionally, pay attention to the temperature of the water and the nature of the cleansing products, as hot water and harsh products will only further damage the skin.

3. La Biosthetique SPA Actif Rich Firming Body Cream $440/200ml
4. APIVITA Royal Honey Rich Moisturizing Body Cream $270/250g

3. Formulated with caffeine, Korean thistle extract, sugarcane extract, and micro red complex ingredients, it is quickly absorbed by the skin, accelerating collagen production and cell renewal, while strengthening the skin barrier to protect against environmental damage.

98% natural ingredients, formulated with Greek thyme honey, hyaluronic acid, and natural esters, deeply moisturize and nourish the skin, forming a protective film to reduce water loss and maintain moisture balance.

If you have sensitive skin, or even eczema, you need to take extra measures during this critical time. In addition to using skincare products with gentle ingredients designed for sensitive skin, it is important to supplement your daily diet with more Vitamin C and water to increase hydration and boost immunity. Moreover, getting enough sleep is crucial for good blood circulation, resulting in naturally healthy skin and resolving dryness and roughness.

5. ETVOS Moist Barrier Mist Serum $220/50ml
6. Suu Balm™ Dual Rapid Itch Relieving & Restoring Body Moisturiser $129/75ml

The product contains purple grass, tannic acid, urea, as well as a variety of amino acid moisturizing complexes, which can nourish sensitive skin and restore skin to a stable state. The portable spray design allows you to moisturize your skin at any time, soften the skin texture, and make subsequent skincare products more absorbable.

Specially designed for Asian skin and Asian climates, targeting sensitive, dry, and eczema-prone skin. The cooling mint formula can relieve itching and discomfort within 5 minutes. The ceramide ingredient can build a protective barrier and moisturize fragile skin.

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