2月 7, 2023


《给十九岁的我》2022 香港



As Ah Ling mentioned in her article, a film that takes ten years to shoot and produce has its own value. However, solely based on the meaning of the film itself, it cannot justify the practice of public screening. Just like when she previously asked the school “who is more important, the film or the students,” it makes the public think about whether the benefits and honor brought by a film are more important, or protecting the students from harm is more important.


《金发女郎 | Blonde》2022年 Netflix


Although many movies, TV shows, and books focus on Marilyn Monroe’s life story, this film in particular has been criticized for portraying her life through narrow and demeaning lenses towards women. The work primarily focuses on the traumas Marilyn Monroe experienced throughout her life, while neglecting other aspects of her life, including her personality and inner life, her intelligence and resilience, her interest and knowledge in politics, her achievements as an actress, and the true depth of her professional ambitions.


《古驰之家 | Gucci:豪门谋杀案》

This film “House of Gucci,” starring Lady Gaga, Adam Driver, Jared Leto, and others, premiered in North America at the end of 2021. The story revolves around the Gucci family, one of the fashion industry giants, and their complex internal struggles from the 1970s to the mid-1990s. Even before its official release, the film has generated a great deal of discussion. In addition to the popularity of the cast, people are very interested in the “unveiling of the dark history” of this fashionable and wealthy family.

电影讲述Gucci第三代继承人Maurizio Gucci与其妻子Patrizia Reggiani之间的爱情、背叛与谋杀,Gaga更因此角色入围奥斯卡影后。在现实中,这位被称作爱慕虚荣的“黑寡妇”当年买凶杀死丈夫,企图继承所有财产,最后被判处26年有期徒刑。这段黑历史观众当然看得津津有味,不过Gucci家族却对此戏公开发表声明,表示电影内容将家族的所有人丑化,并将家庭成员塑造成自大、自私、疯狂的负面形象。

相反,电影将Patrizia Reggiani包装成一个受男权压迫下的受害者,合理化她所犯下的罪行,损害了家族形象。Gucci家族还指责电影团队在拍摄期间从未与继承人联系和通知有关拍摄方向,批评导演为了票房而刻意捏造了许多虚假内容,这是对品牌最大的侮辱。

《绿簿旅友》2018 美国

能够问鼎电影界最高荣誉的奥斯卡奖项,那一定是备受赞誉的好片?那可不一定。2019年奥斯卡最佳影片《绿皮书》在网民一片嘘声中获奖,同时激起其他电影工作者的不满,导演制片人Spike Lee更在听闻结果后愤而离场,拒绝道贺。


不过 Shirley 的家人却公开批评电影的描述不贴合事实,其中包括导演将其塑造成与家人关系不佳的人物设定,而片中这位钢琴家有个下落不明的弟弟,事实上,这位弟弟与 Shirley 一直保持联系。电影改编真实人物,却没有求证本尊家属,因此让其家人极为愤怒。

In addition, some netizens are even more disgusted with this typical “white savior” narrative technique. They believe that although the story superficially highlights the precious friendship during the era of racial segregation, it still cannot escape the concept of white superiority in thinking. Therefore, Tony in the film always plays the role of giver and helper. When the film won the Oscar for Best Picture in a surprising manner, some people were happy while others were dissatisfied. I wonder what your thoughts are on the meaning of the work?

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