
Must-visit Korean-themed photo studio! Giant cup noodle installation/Korean drama street food stall scene


Another great place to check in! Aberdeen Centre in Hong Kong brings you the “Korean Food · Korean Colors Summer Photo Studio”, where there are 10 colorful Korean food-themed scenes for everyone to take photos and check in!


The check-in spots include “national cuisine” Korean fried chicken and oversized cup noodle check-in installations, subway platforms with a Korean drama photo feel, roadside stall scenes, healing cloud coffee shops, ACmart Korean-style shopping areas, and a fresh and colorful fruit space, allowing you to easily take Korean-style photos!


There is also a prop space next to it, where you can choose from a variety of Korean-style photo props, including Korean-style dried flowers, stylish sunglasses, large letter props, and head accessories for taking pictures with pets.


In addition, the Aberdeen Centre in Hong Kong has also introduced the popular Korean “personal color diagnosis” experience. On designated days, you can make an appointment with a designated consumption color diagnosis specialist to help you find your natural “destined color” and enhance your makeup and dressing skills!


Aberdeen Centre Korean Food‧Korean Colors Summer Photo Studio
Date: July 22 to September 3
Time: 2pm – 7pm
Address: Shop 1B, 2/F, Phase 2, Aberdeen Centre and Ground Floor, Phase 4

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