全新的汉堡品牌 N+ Burger 刚进驻湾仔,两层高的绿色框门面非常抢眼,这家汉堡店不仅外观独特,食材也出奇地优质有惊喜!
牛肉汉堡馅肥瘦比例刚好又多汁,原来品牌由自家澳洲牧场直送Hunter Beef安格斯牛,此牧场出品的牛肉曾获得悉尼皇家美食金奖和银奖,可说是质量有保证。
The styles of hamburgers are very carefully selected, and the sauces are all homemade. The N+ Classics series uses 4-ounce Angus beef, available in original flavor ($75), Bacon ($85), and a must-have for those who like strong flavors, the Triple Garlic Sauce ($75) and Thousand Island Sauce ($75). The N+ Limited series uses 6-ounce Angus beef brisket, with Truffle Sauce ($100) and Japanese Mustard Sauce ($95) respectively. The french fries and potato wedges served with the hamburgers are also fried to a crispy texture.