This season, Moschino made its debut at New York Fashion Week, becoming the highlight of the 2022 spring/summer season.
设计灵感来自1990年代美国情景喜剧《天才保姆》(The Nanny)中女主角 Fran Fine 的经典形象;时装秀选址在纽约 Bryant Park 举行,那儿在上世纪90年代,曾经是纽约时装周的核心地与灵魂,特意向纽约的时尚根基作致敬。
创意总监 Jeremy Scott 将品牌创始人 Franco Moschino 的经典西装和设计重新演绎,并以 Ladies Who Lunch 茶会为主题,天桥上的服饰在简洁经典与天马行空之间游走,套装、紧身胸衣、娃娃装外套、针织连身裙等,通过想象力令怀旧设计显得趣味横生。
As for accessories, they are also full of playful elements, such as edging and buttons in the shapes of tigers, butterflies, skunks, stacked wooden block handbags, and Gigi Hadid’s bottle clutch, as if entering a dreamy world of innocence. 至於配飾方面,亦同樣充滿玩味元素,例如老虎、蝴蝶、臭鼬等形狀的飾邊和紐扣,堆疊木塊手袋,以及 Gigi Hadid 手持的奶瓶 clutch 等,猶如進入了童真的夢幻世界。