11月 14, 2023

【专访Atsuro Tayama】40年设计之旅 从访谈中解构他的秘密花园

早前,日本设计师品牌Atsuro Tayama于上环art gallery举行2024春夏系列预览,品牌灵魂人物田山淳朗先生更亲身访港,介绍最新的春夏2024及ART OF GARDEN系列。

原来田山淳朗自15年前开始与耕种结下不解之缘,并于近年在熊本的别墅打造超过一万平方米的私家后花园,因而启发了更多以大自然为题的时装系列。品牌标志性的软性前卫风 (Soft Avant Garde) 在2024春夏系列以「变化」为主轴,加入中性设计、具大自然凹凸质感的设计,延续品牌在Avant-Garde风格的创作,亦再度带来别具特色的Art of Garden系列,集都市、实用与舒适于一身。ZTYLEZ有幸可以亲身会见Tayama先生,来个时装对谈。


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  • Z:2024春夏系列灵感来自什么?

    A:In the Spring/Summer 2024 collection, I have incorporated nature into the world of fashion. I have been tending to my garden for the past 10 years, drawing inspiration from the sky, soil, flowers, and trees. Imagine the texture of things in nature, it’s not smooth. Therefore, I have made the texture of uneven materials the main design of this season. The changing seasons in the garden and my experiences in cultivation have also inspired the “transformative” designs in this collection, bringing more possibilities for mix and match to the wearers and creating an Avant-Garde Women style.



    Z:对于现在盛行的Sporty Luxe及Y2K风尚有什么感觉?



    A:Actually, there isn’t just one way to create avant-garde designs. There can be more than 10 different approaches, with a lot of hybrid and mix and match elements in between. There are also combinations of different materials and colors, as well as a fusion of Asian and European styles. Through asymmetry, reversing inside and outside, twisting, frayed edges, and collages of different materials, I transform them into a new presentation each season. Besides the stitching, there is also a focus on the inside and outside. I hope to bring a completely new feeling to customers every season.


    A: 很多品牌可能会追求更新的东西,而我的VIP客人与我就像一同有一个成长的经历。

    这次SS24再次延续ART OF GARDEN园艺系列的精髓,率先揭晓一系列Tayama 先生在耕种时会穿着的衣服及单品,希望通过兼具美观、实用及多用途的设计与大家分享其中的乐趣,背后灵感源自他在九州熊本约11,500平方米的私人花园。而其中一项可轻易变装的单品更荣获第96届Tokyo International Gift Show Grand Prize大奖,既能作背心外套穿在身上,亦能用作盛载工具的袋子,成为户外活动爱好者的必备单品。

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