4月 17, 2023

Prada Frames 2023:在环境、艺术与设计之间,Prada Frames如何探讨永续时尚的微妙关系?

由时尚产业所造成的环境问题逐渐被重视,不少年轻一代的道德意识也日渐高涨,从Ethical Fashion(道德时尚)、Eco Friendly(环境友好)到Sustainable Fashion(可持续时尚),种种热门关键词和新兴概念,无非想传达时尚与环保之间也可能取得平衡,甚至达到共融并存。与许多借助艺术提升自身定位的品牌不同,Miuccia Prada早早已潜入艺术的核心战场,改变着奢侈品牌的传统定义与边界。

M+ Museum Director Suhanya Raffel 於 Prada Frames 演講
M+博物馆馆长Suhanya Raffel在Prada Frames演讲


Prada作为最具号召力的时尚品牌之一,更是不遗余力地寻找时尚与环保的完美结合。除了减少消费和生产,Prada又如何带动消费者共同实践永续时尚?不仅推出由海洋、渔网和纺织纤维废料中收集的塑料垃圾制造的「Re-Nylon 再生尼龙」材料引领永续时尚热潮,品牌最近联合研究及设计工作室Formafantasma于米兰和香港两地展开Prada Frames 2023研讨会,将永续时尚的议题呈现于普世大众。

(左至右) Lisa Reihana, CT Low, Christian J. Lange 及 Charles Lim於第二日Prada Frames研討會
(从左到右)Lisa Reihana、CT Low、Christian J. Lange和Charles Lim在第二天的Prada Frames研讨会上。




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  •  M+博物館館長Suhanya Raffel, M+建築師Jacques Herzog 及 M+設計及建築主策展人Yokoyama Ikko
    M+博物馆馆长Suhanya Raffel,M+建筑师Jacques Herzog及M+设计及建筑主策展人Yokoyama Ikko

    「In the 1970s, postmodernism and deconstruction were prevalent, but we didn’t like that. So we needed to find our own way into the discipline of architecture,” said Herzog. “There was a trend of excessive decoration in the squares of that era, using unnecessary ornaments such as chandeliers, chairs, and pavilions. We are not obsessed with creating new forms, we emphasize ‘found,’ which is a strategy based on observation, perception, and creativity. ‘Found’ is an uncommon artistic practice in the field of architecture. It allows artists and architects to use existing things to identify the pre-existing structures around and underground.” Today, the footprint of Herzog & de Meuron can be found in a small point in the world, even in Asia – Hong Kong. It is not difficult to discover the concept behind their works, which is to create buildings that harmonize with the surrounding environment. This concept can be felt in their various projects, such as Tate Modern and Serpentine Pavilion in London, and M+ in Hong Kong.

    Formafantasm 的 Andrea Trimarchi 與 Simone Farresin
    Formafantasm 的 Andrea Trimarchi 和 Simone Farresin

    至于大家都好奇的M+背后的创作理念,Herzog徐徐说道: 「我们并不沉迷于创造新的形式,形式已经存在。 我们不是发现空间而是发现物体并将它们转化为空间。 就像雕塑一样,艺术家尽量避免所有不必要的形式 。于M+ 我们挖掘了很像火车通道的天花,并在上面放置了混凝土结构。 它使空间呈现出一种奇妙的混合状态,看起来有点奇异又有点诱人。

    Prada Frames held two seminars the next day, bringing together local and international speakers including Ute Meta Bauer, LAAB Architects, Lisa Reihana, Charles Lim, and Formafantasma. The first seminar, themed “Sea States,” featured artists, designers, scientists, and other guests sharing their thoughts on marine conservation. The second seminar, “Reconceiving Material Circulation,” focused on the issue of waste recycling in Hong Kong. Architects Zhang Yonghe, Yao Jiashan, and Hong Kong-based firms LAAB Architects and Formafantasma gathered to share their ideas and practices.

    Prada Frames研討會於M+舉行
    Prada Frames研讨会于M+举行

    策划今次研讨会的研究及设计工作室Formafantasma,常驻于米兰、鹿特丹两地,主要研究塑造了当代设计美学的生态、历史、政治及社会科学,更以谨慎使用材料闻名。首届研讨会于2022年在米兰Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense落下帷幕,今年四月的米兰国际家具展期间又将迎来第二场Prada Frames ,于2023年4月17至19日举行,作为Salone del Mobile米兰国际家具展的一部分,Prada Frames被视为设计界最重要活动之一。米兰站将同样汇集来自各个领域的专家,从视觉设计、建筑、科学、人类学到经济学。研讨会将以一种跨学科的方法,探索设计和科学如何在推动积极变革的过程中产生重要作用,延续香港的「材料流动」主题。Prada Frames期望向世人证明,时尚、物质生活与环保并不相悖。

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