February 9, 2022

AirPods savior from falling! Inventory of practical headphones, earphones, and accessories from fashion brands


For music lovers like you, convenient and lightweight AirPods are definitely a must-have in life. However, I believe many people have experienced the unfortunate situation of losing one side of their earphones! Understanding the needs of users in the fashion world, specially designed earphone earrings and accessories for AirPods have been launched. Not only are they stylish and stylish, but they also inject highlights into the look, and can prevent earphones from falling off, killing two birds with one stone!

D-Vibe Dior Tribales 飾珍珠裝飾耳機耳環 $9,200

Comes with a detachable small chain strap, can be hooked to wireless earphones; earrings can be paired with AirPods and AirPods Pro.

Nanogram 耳機耳環 $2,750

The end of the chain pendant is adorned with classic Louis Vuitton logo charms, such as the Monogram floral pattern and LV Circle logo, with the top engraved with the LV logo, adding a luxurious touch to the headphones.

飾水晶三角標誌 AirPods 吊墜耳環 $6,350

Suitable for AirPods Pro, the triangular logo extends into a ring buckle of Airpods, which not only decorates but also prevents the headphones from falling off.

Garavani 金色無線耳機裝飾 $2,700

Styled with the brand’s classic Rockstuds, these earphones are made of metal material, giving them a shiny and vibrant appearance.

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