October 9, 2023

Crazy Horse Show showcases sexy figure! BLACKPINK Lisa achieves an ant waist without dieting through 4 tricks.


BLACKPINK member Lisa recently completed a series of 5 shows at the Paris Fashion Week, and every look was incredibly hot and sexy, showcasing her graceful figure. Known as the “human Barbie,” Lisa has a 51 cm waist and she mentioned that she never diets, yet manages to maintain an enviable and unrealistically good figure. How did she achieve it?

As a member of a girl group, Lisa maintains her slim figure and avoids gaining weight through intense “dance training”! Lisa has been learning to dance since she was 4 years old and undergoes a large amount of dance training every day. She practices dancing for at least 3 hours a day, and sometimes even up to 6 hours, allowing her to maintain a slim figure despite being 167 cm tall and weighing only 45 kilograms!

In addition to her stunning dance moves, Lisa also has a hot waist that has fans exclaiming how sexy she is! She likes to practice Pilates in her spare time, which not only strengthens her muscle endurance and balance, but also helps to slim her stomach and tighten her waistline, making her body even more beautiful!

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