March 31, 2023

The Leslie Cheung Memorial Exhibition opens at the Hong Kong Cultural Museum! Featuring brother’s iconic stage costumes, precious photos, and “Tang Tang” personal collection.


To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the passing of the legendary star Leslie Cheung, the Hong Kong Cultural Museum is hosting the “Continuing Love‧Leslie Cheung Memorial Exhibition” to allow everyone to reminisce about the grace and charm of our beloved brother in the music and film industry. The exhibition is curated by three close friends of Leslie Cheung, Chan Suk-fan, Cheung Suk-ping, and Ha Wing-hong, who will showcase his classic stage costumes, photos, records, film and television works, music and film awards, and personal collections, reflecting on his outstanding achievements in music, film, and his influence on popular culture. There will also be a special sharing by Tang Ho-tak on Leslie Cheung’s personal collection!

Leslie Cheung (1956 to 2003) made his debut in singing competitions in 1977 and became one of the eternal superstars in the local scene with his exceptional talent and unique style. His musical style was diverse, and he also successfully portrayed various film characters. Over the years, his classic works in music, film, and television have witnessed the flourishing development of the Hong Kong music and film industry in the 1980s and 1990s. Leslie Cheung’s artistic achievements transcend time, space, and boundaries, and have had a profound influence on local popular culture.

左:十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮 十大勁歌金曲獎 《Monica》獎座 1984年 唐鶴德先生提供;右:四台聯頒音樂大獎 大碟獎 《Untitled》獎座 2000年 唐鶴德先生提供
左:張國榮在《跨越97》演唱會上穿着紅色斗篷及閃石西裝,表演《紅》等多首歌曲。 1997年 唐鶴德先生提供 照片由《明報周刊》提供;
右:張國榮在《熱・情演唱會》穿着的貝殼裙褲,邀得法國著名設計師為他設計,手工精細。 2000年 唐鶴德先生提供 照片由《明報周刊》提供
張國榮於《跨越97》演唱會時穿着的紅色高跟鞋 1997年 唐鶴德先生提供

Precious exhibits include clothing worn by Leslie Cheung in various concerts, such as the red cape and sequined suit from the “Cross Over 97” concert, as well as red high heels; the white feather outfit and blue beaded jeans worn during the “Hot‧Passion Concert,” and the shell skirt and pants designed for him by a famous French designer.

《風繼續吹》卡式錄音帶 1983年 吳貴龍先生提供
《Stand Up》黑膠唱片(紫色版) 1986年 天星娛樂提供
《為妳鍾情》黑膠唱片(白色版) 1985年 Florence Wang 小姐提供

In addition to concert costumes, the exhibition also showcases some of Leslie Cheung’s albums and awards, including the white vinyl version of “For Your Love,” the purple vinyl version of “Stand Up,” the award for Best Film Song at the 14th Hong Kong Film Awards for the song “Chase,” and the award for Best Album at the Four Stations Joint Music Awards for the album “Untitled.” The exhibition also features Leslie Cheung’s photo book “Celebration” and concert photos taken by Wing Shya.

The exhibition will be extended from now until mid-October. Brother’s fans, remember to seize this opportunity to have a glimpse of Brother’s artistic achievements.

“Continuing Love: Leslie Cheung Memorial Exhibition”
Date: From now until October 9, 2023
Time: Monday, Wednesday to Friday: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM | Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays: 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Location: 2nd floor exhibition space, Hong Kong Cultural Museum

Image source and learn more: Hong Kong Heritage Museum

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