September 5, 2024

【Interview with Japanese illustrator Matsui 松井】Cute Puppy in Macau! First overseas art exhibition, allowing you to visit the exhibition with your pets!

Are you a cat person or a dog person? Regardless of which side you’re on, the cuteness of furry babies is irresistible. If you love pets, you definitely cannot miss the works of the highly popular Japanese illustrator, Kazunori Matsuda (Matsui).

This is a cutting-edge illustrator born in Aichi Prefecture, graduated from Nagoya University of Arts Visual Media Department. In 2019, he officially started creating the “dog” series, garnering fame for depicting adorable little dogs. Mr. Matsui’s illustrations are highly recognizable, with a clear and direct style. His works often feature bright primary colors like red, yellow, and blue, along with bold lines and impactful colors, leaving a lasting impression on viewers. The humor and warmth beneath his works perfectly express his endless love and admiration for dogs, making him a collaborator with several well-known brands.

Recently, Macau’s trendy buying agent unit THE BIG APPLE invited him to Macau to launch its first overseas work exhibition, creating a trendy lifestyle venue with the theme of “human-pet coexistence”!

And where does the healing inspiration behind the little dogs come from? So ZTYLEZ invited Mr. Matsui to explain it to everyone!

M: Matsui

Z: Why did you choose a puppy as your creative inspiration?
M: I think puppies are the easiest theme for me to grasp and draw.

Z: What’s your favorite piece in this creation?
M: This painting portrays a dog making a mess at home while the owner is away. Since my own things at home are not very tidy either, I enjoyed painting this piece. It also holds memories for me.

Z: Describe this creation in three words. What feelings do you hope to evoke in people?
M: Playful, mischievous, relaxing. I didn’t give specific names to the dogs I painted. I hope people will feel a sense of intimacy when they see these artworks, projecting onto them whatever name they think fits, making it their own, and further immersing themselves in the painting.

Z: What art project left the deepest impression on you?
M: The Macau exhibition this time was one of them. In fact, I used to only see pictures on Instagram before, but this time coming here in person, I discovered many different elements in this exhibition that got me very excited. I hope everyone can feel happy seeing these paintings and find different pleasures here.

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