12月 17, 2020

将一切带回最基本、原始的状态:Alexander McQueen SS21

一场疫情令大家在这一年没有像以往一样多姿多彩的生活,但反而令我们有机会重回最原始的状态,更聚焦在如何过好日常生活。Sarah Burton 紧扣着这一点作为是次 Alexander McQueen 2021 春夏女装系列的延伸,将服装设计回归基本,不混和任何花样,专注于结构之上,以一连串新作联系载满人类情感的世界。

This series is launched with a 5-minute film “First Light”, directed by the famous British director Jonathan Glazer, showing the various behaviors of people in the locked-down London during the pandemic. Unlike the bustling London in our memory, the desolate London in the film is deserted, filled with a sense of unfamiliarity and loneliness. Models in spring and summer outfits each have their own expressions: a woman in evening dress walks barefoot by the Thames; couples passionately kiss under a bridge; friends wave to each other across the river; some are sad and tearful while others calmly eat cake. Each scene seems disconnected, but in fact, they all reflect the psychological states of people under the pandemic, real and pure.

Sarah Burton 早在封城初期就已经决定以原有的旧面料制作新系列,以拼接、印花等方式重新为布料进行加工,令它们变得有新鲜感,考证了她对于布料运用上的功架。同时,她将所有专注力集中于服装的基本框架之上,包括形状、轮廓及体积,以此去呈现结构上的美,表达出对于「纯粹」的渴望。

因此,在这 24 件服装中,你几乎看不到任何过分刻意的痕迹,只是在轮廓上注入了源源不断的新意,例如以极致的方式放大或缩小体积,丰盈的袖子和蓬松的蝴蝶裙摆营造出更加气势磅礴的效果;注重肩线的西装套装展现出强烈的利落感。此外,所有服装都有一个共同点,即通过修身剪裁或搭配腰带来突出腰线,既平衡了体积感的设计,又实现了与合身设计相辅相成的效果。

各种面料如府绸、罗缎、皮革、薄纱、牛仔布、斜纹羊毛呢等,应用在礼服、风衣、外套等之上,赋予多样化的质感与视觉效果,配合紧身胸衣缝线设计与晕染印花等设计元素,这正正就是 Sarah Burton 令旧布料看起来焕然一新的最佳示范。

資料及圖片來源: Vogue Runway

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