October 23, 2020

Jeannie Chan – A Girl and a Boy

Is a person’s personality innate or acquired? How do background, work nature, personal experiences affect one’s personality and, in turn, influence their personal style? Whether in the dynamic entertainment industry or the diverse music scene, “survival of the fittest” seems to be the recognized rule of survival. However, qualities of humility and talent do not necessarily guarantee smooth sailing or meeting a benefactor. Sometimes, the genuine display of personal charm is another way to attract the favor of the goddess of luck.

Simple yet direct, humorous and unexpected, that’s the impression after meeting Jeannie Chan. Although she is beautiful, with smooth white skin, lively eyes, and a sweet smile that appeals to both men and women, she refuses to be just a “flower vase.” As an actress, she has portrayed various roles from ancient to modern times, playing roles such as executives and professionals. Each role she takes on allows her to experience different lives, making her more sensitive and fragile than the average person. Despite the emotional ups and downs she faces, fortunately, her cheerful personality allows her to quickly detach from her roles. After the camera stops rolling, she continues to live her real life.

Growing up abroad, even when returning to Hong Kong for development, there is no sense of dissonance. Deeply influenced by the Western sense of freedom, Jeannie also admits that she is a very carefree and spontaneous person. Because of this authentic and natural personality, she exudes an indescribable charm, leaving a vivid impression on people both on and off the screen. With her identity as an actress, coupled with a upbringing influenced by both Eastern and Western cultures, how does the real side of the goddess, Jeannie, live out her own style? Let her share it personally.

Miu Miu Velour Twill Peacoat / Miu Miu Cardigan with embellishment / Miu Miu Crystal Fringe Earrings


As an actress, she shines in front of the camera. But Jeannie admits that her personality was the biggest challenge when she first entered the entertainment industry. “Before entering the industry, I was actually a shy girl. Apart from my family, I only allowed a few best friends in my social circle.” Despite warnings from family and friends about the darkness of the entertainment industry, she still mustered up the courage to step through this difficult door. Counting the years, she is about to enter her seventh year in the industry. Although she has not yet reached the peak of success, she has been quietly working hard all along. In recent years, her acting skills have improved significantly, and she has even produced some outstanding works. For a non-academic actor, this is already a good achievement.

Sometimes it’s not a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that changes your destiny, but rather a dose of courage.

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Have the courage to leave your comfort zone, adapt to the other self that has never appeared in your life, and have the courage to face criticism from the outside world and your own shortcomings.

During her self-proclaimed book-reading period, Jeannie’s competitive spirit was stronger than anyone could imagine. In the early days of her career, she also struggled with criticism from others, wondering, “Why do they criticize me like this? I don’t want to pay attention to them anymore.” However, with time and experience, the girl who always needed the love of all her teachers and craved praise to affirm herself has finally grown. Now, Jeannie still has emotions, but what’s different is that her emotions drive her to think: “Why would they criticize me like this? They must have their reasons and basis, right?” This mindset pushes her to continue striving.

Miu Miu Embroidered Stretch Tulle Skirt / Miu Miu Leather laced Derby Shoes


Open Jeannie’s social platform, and you’ll likely see her signature sweet smile and delightful lifestyle colors, rather than a cold and distant “Luna to the full moon.” “Many people think I am very fragile, very affected, a complete girl.” Indeed, if you haven’t had contact with or communicated with this girl, these seemingly natural impressions make it easier for you to add to the dreamy image of this lovely girl, imagining her as the graceful lady who can melt your heart with just one smile.

But this beauty in everyone’s eyes still has some confusion about the concept of “beauty”.

Miu Miu Velour Twill Peacoat / Miu Miu Cardigan with embellishment / Miu Miu Crystal Fringe Earrings

“It’s probably been 7 or 8 years, to be honest, I still don’t quite grasp the ‘beauty’ in everyone’s minds,” Jeannie said with a smile.

It is probably influenced by cultural differences. In foreign countries, people are used to showing off in tank tops and shorts. Back then, because she often appeared in this style, even her colleagues couldn’t help but laugh and call her “outdated.” After rolling in the fashion circle for these years, she has now attended fashion weeks and become the darling of many brands, adding a lot to her image.

However, what’s interesting is that in Jeannie’s eyes, she has never been associated with being a refined lady. “I am obedient, but not refined,” the real Jeannie is someone who loves to laugh loudly, speak directly and straightforwardly, and she even describes herself as a ‘carefree girl’. On the day of the shoot, the staff celebrated her birthday early, and the funny scene made her laugh non-stop. She ate the cake heartily, living comfortably and freely, making others feel warm and friendly. When it’s time to get into character, she can immediately immerse herself and perform professionally. A graceful lady doesn’t necessarily only match with “a good match for a gentleman”.

Miu Miu Once Upon a Time Lambswool Overall


Jeannie is a simple and generous person with a big heart. Working in the colorful entertainment industry, her focus is not on winning awards, surpassing classics, or achieving great success. What she desires most is to enjoy the process and the present moment in life. “I have never thought about becoming anyone’s idol or pushing myself to reach any high point.”

Jeannie explained that she has never put too much pressure on herself because she strongly believes in “Love what you do, do what you love.”

Miu Miu Once Upon a Time Lambswool Overall

To learn to enjoy work and life, seemingly simple principles, but easier said than done, especially when your life becomes part of your work, it is even more difficult. She believes that she is still working hard on the topic of “enjoying work” at the moment.

The global pandemic brought Jeannie a leisurely time for a vacation in Canada, the longest break she has had since her debut. During this period of vacation, she also pondered more on life issues, cherishing the time spent with her mother-in-law, and worrying about her own happiness. Although her career is still a priority, watching friends around her settle down inevitably makes her a little anxious. As the saying goes, “Actors are also human beings.” No matter how professional or experienced an actor is, beyond the camera, they are still family, friends, and even love, each with their own desires and aspirations. Faced with an unpredictable future, striving to do one’s best and enjoying the present moment is not in vain.

Yesterday was Jeannie’s birthday, just turning 31. She hopes that she can continue to be her true self, happy, and enjoy the present moment.

Producer: Vicky Wai
Photography: Olivia Tsang
Videography: @wootwootvisual
Styling: Vicky Wai
Make Up: Vanessa Wong
Hair: Larry Ho
Video Editor: @wootwootvisual
Editor: Carson Lin
Design: Tanna Cheng
Assistant: Mandy Kan
Wardrobe: Miu Miu

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