4月 3, 2023



Rolex 和电影艺术有着深厚的关系。在许多奥斯卡获奖的电影中,众位传奇电影人物的腕间,皆有品牌腕表的身影,也成为了 Rolex 与电影业紧密联系的象征。


品牌一直积极支持电影艺术的持续发展和推广,与当代电影界的传奇人物和才华横溢的电影人士合作,例如邀请Martin Scorsese、James Cameron等担任代言人,并与美国电影艺术与科学学院(Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences)、奥斯卡奖项及位于洛杉矶的博物馆深度合作,亦通过劳力士创艺推荐资助计划(Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative)支持电影艺术的发展。


In addition, the brand’s strong support for the Oscar Film Museum has also continued and enhanced the close connection between the two parties. The Oscar Film Museum is the first large-scale film art museum in the United States, dedicated to documenting and preserving film history, exploring film production technology, and discovering the cultural value of film. The museum is designed by renowned architect Renzo Piano, who has won the Pritzker Prize, and features 50,000 square feet of exhibition space, a regular theater, a lecture hall that can accommodate 1,000 spectators, and a teaching broadcasting studio. Through depicting the past and future of the film industry, the Oscar Film Museum aims to help the public gain a deeper understanding of film knowledge and culture through exhibitions, screenings, cultural programs, and precious collections.

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