2月 15, 2023



In the 21st century, exploration has gradually become a way to protect the natural world, starting from pure discovery. Facing global warming, the ocean plays an important buffering role in the ecosystem. However, people lack understanding of this mother nature that protects us. Fortunately, this beautiful sea area has also received attention from internationally renowned figures, such as the legendary marine scientist and explorer Sylvia Earle. She even personally wrote a letter to the president, highly praising the preciousness of the Great Barrier Reef and including it in her Mission Blue program.

长年热爱海洋的Sylvia Earle,不仅是多项女子潜水纪录保持者,身兼海洋学家、探险家与作家、演说家的她,于2009年创办海洋保育计划「蓝色使命」(Mission Blue),而该计划在2014年更获得一项雄厚的赞助,正是来自瑞士的高级腕表品牌劳力士。起始自1970年代,劳力士的蚝式恒动(Oyster Perpetual)腕表就一直是Mrs Earle从事深潜计划时最为可靠的报时伙伴,并于1982年起成为劳力士代言人。劳力士通过「保护地球,恒动不息」(PERPETUAL
PLANET)计划积极支持非牟利海洋保护计划「蓝色使命」(MISSION BLUE),襄助其实现愿景,即建立全球HOPE SPOT网络,保护海洋生态系统,守护海洋的健康与未来。

加拉帕戈斯群岛拥有丰饶而独特的生态系统,成为众多动植物珍稀物种赖以生存的家园。早在1966年,Sylvia Earle首次到访该群岛时,便惊叹于此地鲨鱼和其他鱼类的多样性。然而,丰富多样的生态系统为加拉帕戈斯群岛赋予了与众不同的魅力,却也带来了负面作用。近年来,越来越多游客来到加拉帕戈斯群岛,随之带来了物种入侵,当地资源承受的压力日趋沉重。

This investigation can be described as timely. In 1998, Ecuador established the Galapagos Marine Reserve, covering 133,000 square kilometers of water around the archipelago. However, there is still much work to be done to ensure that the local residents, tourists, and fishermen can sustainably utilize the resources of the islands in the future. In 2022, nearly 25 years after the establishment of the Galapagos Marine Reserve, it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the related protection measures. Since 1982, Sylvia has been collaborating with a team of scientists from multiple institutions to conduct field observations of the Galapagos Islands “Hope Spot” in 2022, successfully completing a two-week scientific investigation. Based on extensive research objectives, they have conducted a comprehensive assessment of the marine ecosystem in the area and identified the challenges and opportunities for future conservation efforts.


時至今日,「藍色使命」計劃已經在全球受人類活動影響的關鍵海域或未受保護的地帶,設立 130 餘個「希望點」。然而,目前受到妥善保護的海洋僅佔全球海域之 8%。「藍色使命」的目標,冀望致力於 2030 年前把全球 30%面積的海洋納入保護區。「人類對海洋的改變超越了所有其他物種,我們改變了自然的本質,大規模從海中捕魚,更讓海中飄滿塑膠製品。雖然目前情況稍有改善,但保護海洋依然十分迫切,因為我們正面對著可能無法逆轉的變化。」

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