6月 3, 2021

Chopard 与苏富比联手,带来 Precious Lace 系列全新海蓝蕾丝项链

萧邦联合总裁兼艺术总监Caroline Scheufele近日与苏富比Sotheby’s联手,带来Precious Lace系列新作。这枚于苏富比拍卖行进行私人拍卖的全新项链,饰上珍稀的帕拉伊巴碧璽及多颗钻石,配搭精细的镂空设计,有如高定时装的蕾丝一样雍容华丽。

This Precious Lace series new necklace features a triangular-cut Paraiba tourmaline from Mozambique weighing 34.63 carats, known for its unique turquoise blue color, clear and translucent, refracting a sea blue luster in the light.

Chopard X Sotheby’s_ Precious Lace


Chopard X Sotheby’s_ Precious Lace

圖片來源:Chopard, instagram@chopard

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