9月 3, 2020


一场全球大流行的疫情,不但改变了人们的生活及工作模式,更夺去了不少宝贵的性命。为了悼念因新冠肺炎而不幸逝世的人士,乌拉圭首都蒙特维多沿岸将设置全球首个大型海上纪念碑,负责操刀的拉丁美洲建筑事务所 Gómez Platero 最近亦释出了纪念碑的设计图。虽然拥有独特的线条轮廓,更伴随着一望无际的大海,但这个海上纪念碑无疑是世上最令人哀伤与心碎的设计。

This unique sea monument features a circular design with a diameter of up to 40 meters, with a 10-meter wide hole in the center, leading down to the sea and rocks below. When viewed from above, its shape resembles a saucer, but the monument is not built with a completely flat design. Instead, it slopes inward from the edges towards the center, creating a three-dimensional profile. At one end of this circular disc-shaped structure, there is a pedestrian walkway that extends outward, allowing people to come from the rocky seaside to this sea monument.


This monument is located at sea for a reason. In addition to being away from the hustle and bustle, allowing people to mourn the deceased in a peaceful atmosphere, there is also another intention. By being in the natural environment, it allows for a reexamination and reflection on the relationship between people and nature, awakening respect for nature. The architectural firm Gómez Platero also hopes that through this monument, it commemorates what people have lost during this difficult time, and does not forget the efforts that were made together, reminding people that they are not alone.

Gómez Platero目前正在与乌拉圭政府商讨,以落实兴建纪念碑的地点,预计会选址滨水区,而纪念碑预期以6个月时间竣工。此外,这座海上纪念碑于建成及启用后,将会每次限制最多300名游客前来,以保持安全的社交距离。

圖片來源:Gómez Platero

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