7月 8, 2022

六本木“美少女战士”博物馆!武内直子画作、战士戏服等逾 600 件展品,还有打卡主题 Café!


This exhibition is personally supervised by Naoko Takeuchi, even the promotional poster of the exhibition is drawn by her! The key exhibits of the exhibition include the battle costumes of many sailor-suited warriors in the comics, formal masked hero costumes, the gorgeous dresses of Princess Serenity, and the suits of Prince Endymion, bringing the familiar costumes to life in a realistic way!

除了多套服装之外,馆内亦展出 Sailor Moon 的权杖,以及多位美少女战士的变身棒,真是令人回忆满满!




图片来源:twitter@sailormoon_ex, 美术展导览

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