
Urban Decay

May 15, 2020

#Good Stuff Selection: “Setting Spray” highly recommended, enhances the longevity of your makeup! Keep your makeup intact even in the summer, without smudging when wearing a mask!

During the double attack of sweating and wearing a mask in the summer, the chances of makeup coming off increase significantly! You may consider using a setting spray to set your makeup, not only making it last longer but also keeping it looking natural. The editor has gathered a few recommended setting sprays for everyone to check out together!

March 7, 2019

#GetHerLook: Perfectly Imperfect


Girls, learn to appreciate yourself, face yourself, what does a few scattered red spots matter? Treat them as personal characteristics, perfect them into your daily makeup, slowly, you will fall in love with this self that is very different from the factory-like molded faces!

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