8月 2, 2023

神还原「奥本海默」!从御用反派配角到圆梦当诺兰的主角,认识这位实力派演员 Cillian Murphy

《奧本海默》Cillian Murphy

In the recently released epic war film “Dunkirk,” the male lead Cillian Murphy’s deep, melancholic, and story-filled blue eyes penetrate the hearts of the audience, leading us into the inner world of the “father of the atomic bomb.” His acting has received high praise. From his roles in “The Dark Knight,” “Inception,” “Peaky Blinders,” to “Dunkirk,” he has collaborated with the genius director Nolan for nearly 20 years, finally breaking free from supporting roles and becoming “Nolan’s leading man” for the first time! Let’s get to know this low-key powerhouse actor together!

1967年的席尼墨菲Cillian Murphy出身于爱尔兰,可能很多人不知道,席尼墨菲从10多岁开始自创歌曲,在成为演员之前,曾自行组乐团「Sons of Mr. Green Genes」,并担任吉他手,除了推出过音乐作品,更幸运地获得一份五张专辑唱片合约。

当时在科克大学就读法律系的席尼墨菲,对读书并不感兴趣,直至有次看到《发条橘子》的舞台剧,便激起了他的表演欲,种下了当演员的梦想,于是决定退学追梦,全心投入演艺事业。终于在试镜后成功获得了第一个戏剧角色 — 舞台剧《妄乱青春》的「Pig」,正式开展他的演艺之路。

《奧本海默》Cillian Murphy


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