May 30, 2024

A survival game crazier than death! Netflix Korean drama “The 8 Show” plot characters 8 major highlights, post-credits hint at a second season?

The 8 show

Netflix Korean drama “The 8 Show” was uploaded just two weeks ago and quickly took the top spot in local program rankings! With only 8 episodes, 8 individuals, 8 floors, and 8 tragicomedies, the tense pace and full of twists plot make it even more brutal than “Squid Game”! This unfair money game is like a microcosm of modern society’s class system. Let’s take a look at the 8 major highlights of the plot and some hidden surprises you didn’t know about!

Adapted from popular web comics

“The 8 Show” is adapted from the popular Naver webcomics “Money Game” and “Competition Game” created by writer Pei Zhenxiu. It is directed and written by Han Zailin, known for the films “The Insider” and “Emergency Landing,” and stars actors such as Ryu Jun-yeol, Park Hae-jun, Chae Yoo-hee, Park Jung-min, Lee Li-yin, Lee Joo-young, Moon Jung-hee, and Pei Shengyou.

Exciting and suspenseful plot, with constant twists and turns

The story tells of 8 people trapped in an 8-story secret space, participating in a reality show where “earning money through time accumulation”, as they spend more time, the prize money accumulates more… But behind the sweetness always lies danger, all 8 participants are at the bottom of the pyramid, struggling to survive. In order to snatch the huge prize money, they must constantly cooperate, then turn against each other, betray, fight to the death, repeat continuously, until the end of time, the closer to the end, the more crazy the situation becomes, revealing the cruel human nature between them, the plot is full of exciting tension and realism, twists and turns, the ending is completely unexpected!

Character introduction

“The 8 Show” is similar to “Squid Game” in that it uses numbers instead of the names of the 8 players, with the numbers representing each person’s floor. The higher the floor, the higher the prize money, and the rooms are also top-notch! If you pay close attention, you’ll notice that they mostly refer to each other by their “floor” in the show, and the participants’ backgrounds are not deliberately revealed. It appears fair, but in reality, it is just a game of class for the entertainment of the wealthy!

Characters are as follows:

Pei Shengyou plays “Participant on the 1st floor”, Lee Jooyoung plays “Participant on the 2nd floor”, Ryu Junghye plays “Participant on the 3rd floor”, Lee Ryeonin plays “Participant on the 4th floor”, Moon Junghee plays “Participant on the 5th floor”, Park Haijun plays “Participant on the 6th floor”, Park Jungmin plays “Participant on the 7th floor”, Chon Yuki plays “Participant on the 8th floor”

Game rules

The rules of “The 8 Show” are not complicated, as long as no one dies, the game can continue. On the contrary, if someone dies midway through the game, the time will reset to zero, and the game will end! From the beginning of the show, everyone is sent to the theater, arranged to draw a number card for entry, and the number they choose not only represents the floor they live on, but also determines everyone’s fate.

The 8 show

The “Money Game” began immediately, with a total of 8 floors. The higher the floor the participant stays on, the higher the bonus earned per minute. On the lowest floor, 1st floor, one can earn 10,000 Korean won per minute; while on the highest floor, 8th floor, one can earn up to 340,000 Korean won per minute. The room on the 8th floor is the largest, with water and food distributed from the 8th floor. The food delivery opening in the room is also only accessible from top to bottom, making the higher floors the rulers and the lower floors the enslaved. From the beginning, this reality show has been an unfair class game!

The 8 show

Is the gameplay more brutal and crazier than “Squid Game”?

At the beginning of the game, everyone found that running up the stairs could increase time, so they cooperated with each other and desperately ran up the stairs together. As the plot unfolds, they found that running up the stairs was no longer enough to satisfy the viewers hidden behind the camera. In order to fight for more time and money, the dark side of human nature slowly revealed itself… from talent shows, live sex broadcasts, fighting matches, king games, to human experiments that deprive people of sleep. If someone does not cooperate, they will be beaten, shocked, or shot. The game becomes more and more exciting and tense, with more brutal and violent methods. As long as no one dies halfway through the game, the game will not stop!

The 8 show

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