4月 18, 2024

小鹏汽车落户香港!纯电SUV G6 及旗舰七人车 X9 闪亮登场


小鹏汽车自2014年成立以来,一直致力于探索智能电动车领域。近期,小鹏汽车与森那美汽车集团在海港城海运大厦展览大厅举办了品牌登场仪式及首场车展,展示了一系列备受瞩目的全新电动车型,包括纯电智能旗舰SUV G6、旗舰纯电动七人车X9,以及小鹏汇天飞行汽车“旅航者X2”。这一系列活动为小鹏汽车正式进驻香港市场拉开了序幕。

纯电智能标杆SUV G6,2023年正式在内地推出,其高性价比表现在预售期间引来数以万计订单,引起全国风潮。分有引入标准580后驱版及755超长续航后驱版,尺码为4,753 x 1,920 x 1,650mm,并备2,890mm同级较长的前后轴距,拥有Cd0.248低风阻系数。设计简洁,线条顺滑及富未来感。

品牌旗舰级纯电动七人车 X9,尺寸为5,293mm x 1,988mm x 1,785mm,轴距为3,160mm。设计灵感来自未来科技,突破传统MPV的「方盒子」造型,采用类似星舰的设计,以锐利的边缘折线呈现出前卫且优雅的车身线条,颠覆了传统家庭出行的形象。


In addition, Xiaopeng Motors will soon launch its first pop-up store and plans to open showrooms in Yuen Long and Wan Chai in the third quarter. From May 20 to July 1, the Yuen Long Joyous City will showcase the all-electric smart SUV G6 and flagship seven-seater X9. In the third quarter, the Sha Tin Sek Mun delivery and maintenance center of Senmei Motors Group will also be put into operation. Xiaopeng Motors, with its cutting-edge full-stack self-developed pure electric technology, has redefined the zero-emission smart travel experience and is moving towards a new era of pure electric vehicles with Hong Kong car owners, marking a new milestone in the development of electric vehicles in Hong Kong.

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