暌违18年,英国殿堂级乐队The Rolling Stones发布全新专辑《Hackney Diamonds》,并特别请来好友Sir Paul Smith设计限量黑胶唱片封套。
The inspiration for the album cover design comes from the album title “Hackney Diamonds,” which slangily means “broken glass.” It presents a sense of dynamism through photo transfer printing. This technique also pays homage to Paul Smith, who was one of the first to use photo printing technology in clothing back in the 1980s.
另外,为了配合黑胶唱片的推出,Paul Smith 同时设计收藏版纯棉 T 恤系列,分别印有限量黑胶唱片的封套,以及加入彩色条纹的 The Rolling Stones 舌头标志等款式的 graphic print 设计。