聯乘系列除了可以與不同定位的品牌合作外,不少品牌也與擁有一定影響力的時尚潮人聯手。Givenchy 便宣布與歐美當紅的 Hip Hop 歌手 Kid Cudi 合作推出限量Tee。
Kid Cudi的时尚品味一直备受肯定,曾与潮流艺术家Kaws合作推出巡回演唱会的限量黑胶;这次,Givenchy创意总监Matthew M. Williams以特别为Kid Cudi设计的服饰为蓝本,设计出黑色经典剪裁棉质T恤。
This limited edition Tee features white GIVENCHY embroidery on the chest, adorned with a single-sided sleeve decoration of Kid Cudi’s official logo for the “To the Moon” 2022 World Tour. The back showcases a colorful screen-printed portrait of Kid Cudi during his performance, capturing the scene of his passionate singing.