April 2, 2024

Rolex sponsors the China Sea Regatta again, setting sail from Victoria Harbour.


Hosted by the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club and exclusively sponsored by Rolex, the “2024 Rolex China Sea Regatta” features 21 teams from Hong Kong, mainland China, South Korea, the Philippines, and more. The race starts from Victoria Harbour, crosses the South China Sea, and finishes at Subic Bay in the Philippines, covering a total distance of 565 nautical miles.

On the day of the race, the Victoria Harbour had a wind blowing at about force four. After the 21 participating boats set sail, they headed towards the east of Victoria Harbour, passing by Waglan Island before leaving Hong Kong waters and entering the South China Sea. This year, the participating boats mainly come from Asia. The competition is fierce. Leading the pack are the boats representing the Philippines, “Standard Insurance Centennial 5,” and the local representative, “Happy Go.” About 30 minutes into the race, they had already left other competitors behind, reaching the waters off Taikoo Shing first. “Standard Insurance Centennial 5,” led by captain Ernesto Echauz, led the team to victory as the “finish line champion” last year, hoping to defend their title this year. “Happy Go” also participated last year and, drawing from that experience, is hopeful for a good result this year.

The “Rolex China Sea Race” is now in its 62nd year and is one of the most classic offshore races in Asia. The inaugural event began in 1962 and has been strongly supported by Rolex since 2008, becoming the title sponsor of this biennial event, which is also recognized by the Royal Ocean Racing Club. Rolex has a deep and longstanding relationship with the ocean and sailing, and among all the sports events sponsored by Rolex over the years, yacht racing undoubtedly holds a significant position. The race features two major awards: the “Rolex China Sea Race Trophy” for the overall champion on corrected time in IRC, and the “Sunday Telegraph Trophy” for the first boat to cross the finish line (line honours). The IRC overall champion and the monohull line honours winner will receive a Rolex watch as an honor.

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