12月 21, 2023


The new dessert and snack shop “Bite by Bite” has opened its second branch in Langham Place, Mong Kok. The new store combines industrial elements with a color scheme of yellow and beige, and incorporates decorations inspired by the narrow streets and alleys of Hong Kong. It blends nostalgia with modernity!

「小點角落 Bite by Bite」 specializes in a variety of innovative Hong Kong-style street snacks and desserts. We recommend our freshly made egg waffles, which come in 8 basic flavors and 8 special flavors, including Hong Kong-style egg tarts, bamboo charcoal black sesame paste, D24 durian cheese, red date black sugar ginger, and golden matcha mochi. There are also 27 additional toppings to choose from, allowing you to create your own unique flavor!

喜欢港式街边小吃的话,可试试「花胶碗仔翅拼蒟蒻面」,加入陈皮茸、鸡丝和鸡汤为汤底,再以健康纯素的蒟蒻面取代粉丝的花胶碗仔翅,而以小炒形式制成的「虾头油菜圃烧卖」等同样有新意!另外仲有全新推出嘅「提拉米苏罐罐」,包括经典提拉米苏、榴槤芝芝、开心果红莓、柠檬批 4 款口味。

此外,如果想一次过试多几款,可选全日自由选组合套餐,最低消费每位只需 HK$60 起,可从多达 30 款的美食甜品自由组合自己心水套餐,叹足 6 道甜品小吃都只不过 HK$130!

营业时间:11:30 – 22:30
电话:2318 1928


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