8月 9, 2023

日本爆红GARIGUETTE 9月登陆铜锣湾!开店首天送拿破仑Mille-pressé 100份!


日本东京爆红的GARIGUETTE将于9月初登陆香港,在铜锣湾Fashion Walk开设首间海外分店,将圆形镂空的拿破仑Mille-pressé带到香港!


This popular dessert concept is inspired by the traditional French mille-feuille. The ingredients and machines for the new store are directly imported from GARIGUETTE’s main store in Japan to Hong Kong. The pastry is made with 100% fermented butter and is pressed with an exclusive hot press machine before being baked at high temperatures. The rich cream filling is also freshly flown in from Japan. The Napoleon Mille-pressé is made on-site, recreating the taste and texture of the Japanese version!


拿破崙 Mille-pressé 有不同口味,包括酸甜口感的招牌主打 Napoléon(原味士多啤梨拿破崙 Mille-pressé),而另一推介人氣口味 Jambon & Fromage(雙重芝士火腿拿破崙 Mille-pressé)就以車打芝士、水牛芝士配上火腿及薯蓉,香脆可口。餐單內一共提供 8 款甜口味、4款鹹口味以供選擇,更會推出香港限定口味!



地址:香港铜锣湾 Fashion Walk 百德新街 42-48 号地下 D 店
开幕日期:9 月 9 日

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