7月 31, 2020



今年夏天,MÖVENPICK冰淇淋特意与本地氈酒品牌“白兰树下”Perfume Trees Gin合作,联合推出限时款MÖVENPICK冰淇淋 x 白兰树下鸡尾酒,在MÖVENPICK冰淇淋快闪店供应,让大家一口微醺配上一口甜蜜治愈。

“Under the White Orchid Tree” is Hong Kong’s first gin brand. The founder insists on creating products with local flavors, so various local herbs are blended into the gin to create a flavor full of Hong Kong characteristics and vibes, definitely tailored for every Hong Konger. This time, one of the founders, Kit, used this unique gin to create 3 distinctive ice cream cocktails with 3 different flavors of MÖVENPICK ice cream. They are the Gin & Tonic with Lemon & Lime Sorbet, the Perfume Cotta with Panna Cotta ice cream, and the Frozen 75 with Passionfruit & Mango Sorbet. They are both refreshing and sweet, allowing everyone to find a flavor that suits them.

如果您对饮酒或调酒有更深入的兴趣的话,不妨也留意一下 8 月的现场示范活动,Kit届时将会作亲身介绍,并且现场调配鸡尾酒,喜爱品酒的您不容错过。

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