November 13, 2020

#Weekend getaway: 3 recommended hiking routes! Easy for beginners, with stunning photo spots!

Amid the epidemic, more and more people are moving their activities from indoors to outdoors, away from the crowds and the concrete jungle, to breathe fresh air. With the weather getting cooler, hiking has become a popular weekend pastime for many. Here are 3 beginner-friendly hiking routes recommended for you, not only suitable for beginners, but also offering stunning views along the way for you to capture and share, guaranteed to leave you wanting more!

// 港版「天涯海角」 ── 東龍島 //

Tung Lung Island is a remote island located at the southern end of Hong Kong, formerly known as “South Tang”. Currently, only a few islanders reside there, so the environment is quite peaceful and tranquil, earning it the nickname “the ends of the earth” in Hong Kong. It is definitely the best destination to get away from the hustle and bustle. The island boasts many natural wonders and historical sites, including the Tung Lung Rock Carvings, Tung Lung Battery ruins, “Hidden Dragon Spits Pearl”, and the Spray Rock, allowing visitors to experience the wonders of nature while exploring the island’s long history.

It is recommended to start from the Nam Tong Pier, head towards the direction of Donglong Battery, passing by attractions such as the Fotangmen Lighthouse and Battery Camp along the way. This route is relatively easy, but the road from Nam Tong Peak to Donglong Island Battery is steeper, so be careful. Additionally, if you have the energy, you can challenge yourself to climb over 480 steps and admire the stone carvings on Donglong Island. Finally, before returning to the city, take a break at a nearby store, experience the peaceful environment of the small island, and end the day’s rich itinerary.

Transportation: Walk 5 to 10 minutes from Yau Tong MTR Station Exit A2 to Lei Yue Mun Sam Ka Tsuen Pier to take the Coral Sea Ferry (operates only on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays).

// 「森林中的天空之鏡」 ── 流水響水塘 //

The Flowing Water Reservoir is located between Lung Shan and Shek O mountains, serving as an irrigation reservoir. The water surface is so calm that it resembles a smooth and shiny mirror, even reflecting the blue sky, white clouds, a row of elegant white pagodas by the lake, and a grove of metasequoia trees, like a paradise on earth. That’s why it is known as the “Mirror of the Sky” in Hong Kong. If you take photos here, your phone’s photo gallery will definitely be full!

The entire hiking route is quite easy, you can start from the Huk Yeuk Wai, passing through Huk Yeuk Reservoir, Shek Ngau Shan, and Flowing Water Reservoir, and finally return at the Flowing Water Village. Along the way, there are pavilions and barbecue pits for a rest, with only the section up Shek Ngau Shan being a bit challenging. Overall, it is not too difficult and you can capture beautiful photos, making it very suitable for hiking beginners to try!

Transportation: Take the special minibus 52B, get off at the intersection of Lau Shui Heung Road and Hok Tau Road, and walk to the entrance of Lau Shui Heung Reservoir Country Park.

// 「香港之南」 ── 蒲台島 //

Like Donglong Island at the southern end of Hong Kong, Lamma Island is also a very popular hiking destination, with its stunning views of the South China Sea and natural landscapes that will surely leave you in awe! The geology here is mainly granite, with many unique rock formations that have been weathered over time, such as the Monk Rock and the Spirit Turtle Rock, some of which are extremely rare and have been selected as one of the “Top Ten Most Beautiful Rocks in Hong Kong”, definitely a wonderful sight that you won’t see in the city. In addition, a must-visit spot on the island is the 126 Lighthouse on the mountain, where sitting here taking photos under the blue sky and white clouds will truly give you a sense of travel!

The hiking route on Lamma Island is slightly more challenging compared to the previous two. Starting from the pier, walk along the trail, passing by the Woofer’s Mansion, Coffin Rock, Ngau Wu Teng, and Mount Stenhouse, before returning to the pier. Enjoy immersing yourself in the natural surroundings along the way. However, please note that the phone signal on the island is unstable, so remember to check the map before setting off. Additionally, Lamma Island is famous for its seaweed and nori, so be sure to try a bowl of nori and egg soup and seaweed green bean soup to make your trip even more perfect!

Transport: Take a ferry to Lamma Island Pier from Aberdeen Pier (operates only on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays) or Sok Kwu Wan Public Pier (operates only on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays). Please note that ferry schedules are limited, so allow extra time for your round trip.

圖片來源: @jumbotsang , @nickkwanhk , @sze_szec , @foxy_oreonpopcorn , @hkyu___529 , @kahyeon_diary , @touch_de_ciel , @myescapeplanss , @thehkcouple , @irisgoodfood , @mongjinia , @cld_hk

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