September 14, 2023

NOC has released 5 new homemade baked pastries! 144 layers of flaky pastry with molten filling/delicious garlic smoked bacon tart.

NOC Coffee Co. recently launched a new line of homemade pastries, all made with premium French butter!


The “Lava Custard Pastry” (HK$24) is sprinkled with cocoa powder and has up to 144 layers of flaky pastry, giving it a soft and melting texture. When cut open, it will ooze out a fragrant and caramelized custard sauce! The pastry of the “Garlic Bacon Tart” carries a subtle buttery aroma, while the whole garlic cloves are slow-cooked for 6 hours, paired with freshly grated Parmesan cheese and bacon bits, creating a rich and flavorful taste.

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