October 28, 2022

When Wenli Bakery’s limited edition autumn and winter pastries return! Crispy butter pastry base / generous nut filling

Hong Kong people are almost obsessed with desserts, but it’s even harder to find traditional and classic, high-quality American pies! If you like pies like pumpkin pie, pecan pie, etc., now is the time from Thanksgiving to Christmas!

The American bakery introduces holiday baked goods at the end of October each year, with the most popular being the caramel pecan pie (pre-order price $298 / original price $328), made with sweet maple syrup and whiskey for a rich and flavorful taste. As soon as you cut into it, the caramel syrup oozes out, and the bottom of the pie is filled with crunchy nut pieces.

Sea Salt Caramel Apple Pie (Pre-order price $268 / Original price $298) Using Fuji red apples, mixed with homemade caramel sauce and apple wine, the taste is richer and more layered. Classic Pumpkin Pie (Pre-order price $268 / Original price $298) made with Japanese Hokkaido pumpkin and cream, rich in natural sweetness, with a very smooth texture.

When enjoying a baked pie at home, you can reheat it in the oven, or even add a scoop of ice cream for extra flavor. Holiday pies are currently only available for pre-order, and can be picked up in-store starting November 7th.

Phone: 9860 5003

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