2月 27, 2023

米兰时装周:Bottega Veneta 2023 秋冬,意大利三部曲最终章

向来作风低调的Bottega Veneta,这次邀请了韩国天团BTS队长RM出席2023秋冬时装秀,是他出道以来首次出席时装秀,令秀场内外都掀起一片轰动。

Bottega Veneta 2023 秋冬系列为品牌意大利三部曲的最终章,创意总监Matthieu Blazy共带来了81个造型,从街头出发,将街道上会遇到的各式各样邂逅与人物,可以是来自不同角色和场合,最重要的是相遇带来的惊喜。



This season focuses on the reconfiguration of craftsmanship and materials, becoming a new innovation. Lightweight and unrestricted fabrics are combined with sculptural cuts and exquisite craftsmanship, presenting jacquard embroidery and Intreccio weaving in a new form, creating layered scales and feathers. There are visually appealing feathers and fringe skirts, as well as neatly tailored jackets and coats. Finally, Matthieu Blazy concludes the show with the perfect punctuation, featuring leather vests and leather jeans from the first season.

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