8月 30, 2023

自由精神注入传统风格!Miu Miu与Church’s推出联名鞋款,由内到外都是精致细节。

向來給人柔美印象,同時具有叛逆靈魂的Miu Miu,與英倫鞋履品牌Church’s合作推出聯名系列,將品牌的自由精神融入這個傳統品牌的正式風格中。

This collaboration with Miu Miu, a classic brand with a hundred years of history, is Church’s, a shoe brand appointed by the British royal family. It was founded in 1873 and gained fame for its handmade men’s leather shoes. The Church’s × Miu Miu joint shoe collection is based on the classic double buckle and carved leather shoe style, but the silhouette is more rounded and spacious compared to the original version.

采用亮面抛光皮革打造,展现出经典的黑色和烟草色调,皮革鞋底由弹性防滑的运动型橡胶鞋底取代,令鞋变得更为轻盈。鞋头与鞋身皆沿承精致的雕花饰面,鞋舌与鞋底侧面饰上 Miu Miu 标志,而鞋垫印上 Church’s X Miu Miu 标志,由内而外都充满着精致细节。

Church’s × Miu Miu 联名系列的形象大片,由摄影师 Lengua 掌镜,模特儿 Rejoice Chuol 与 Annabelle Weatherly 身穿 Miu Miu 成衣系列的服装,以慵懒的姿势在椅上卧躺,营造出一种传统与当代、柔美与阳刚风格的对比来演绎鞋款。

Church’s × Miu Miu 联名系列将于9月6日起在miumiu.com以及Miu Miu各大精品店发售!

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