BVLGARI的Serpenti系列自1940年代面世以来,灵蛇便成为品牌最标志性的经典符码,今年是Serpenti标志诞生75周年,除了华丽珠宝、腕表之外,BVLGARI特别与三位当代艺术家Sunwoo Kim、周力和Sophie Kitching携手创作Serpenti Forever手袋限量系列,通过他们的创意视野和独特的工艺演绎灵蛇,而且更首次踏进NFT的虚拟维度,开启了只能通过手袋探索的独特数字体验。
Serpenti in Art 系列由六款手袋组成,每位艺术家分别带来两款设计。韩国画家 Sunwoo Kim 以代表着对自由和幸福追求的渡渡鸟的设计而闻名。她这次设计的日间袋款的小牛皮袋身压印上一片幻想中的森林和绿叶,凸显了图像的立体效果和纹理的动感。翻开袋盖,可发现隐藏着一个有趣设计:一只渡渡鸟从外形奇特的树叶中跳出来,而互相呼应的蛇头锁扣则以缤纷的绿色琺瑯制成,缀以黑色纹玛瑙眼睛。
晚宴袋款鑲嵌 BVLGARI 標誌性的八角星,呈現出迷人夜色中。渡渡鳥彷彿在追逐夢想,在金色的閃亮細節和刺繡裝飾的映襯下如同在藍天飛翔。迷人的蛇頭鎖扣採用「鑽石切割」效果設計,呈現金屬顆粒狀質感,再加上誘人的青金石眼睛,為這款手袋增添一抹金色光芒。
中国艺术家周力作品涵盖绘画、雕塑、装置和公共艺术,这次她以抒情抽象的独特绘画语言重新构思了Serpenti Forever Top Handle手袋。设计均采用标志性的蛇头锁扣,镶有相应配色的琺瑯鳞片,以及金色镜面饰面的几何黄铜顶部手柄。
The first design is named “Ocean,” inspired by Zhou Li’s painting series “Peach Blossom Spring: Water and Dreams,” which explores the themes of freedom and hope in humanity. The iconic combination of blue and pink, along with Zhou Li’s delicate brushstrokes, injects new life into the leather bag, depicting a dreamlike universe.
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Just like her painting series, “Invisible Green” adds countless colors, petals, and leaves to the white calf leather. The iconic snakehead lock is adorned with matching colored enamel inlays, and the captivating brushstrokes evoke the enchanting scales of a snake. The nature-inspired patterns also inject vitality into the design of the second handbag, with contrasting colors between the vibrant hues and black calf leather, inspired by the artist’s painting “Nocturne,” symbolizing the mysterious form and transformation of a snake.