1月 11, 2023

经典手袋摩登新演绎!Dakota Johnson 出镜 Gucci Jackie 1961 广告企划

说到Gucci的经典手袋,初登场于1961年的”The Jackie”,数十年来一直是品牌手袋家族的重要一员,历年不断推陈出新,每款设计均成为当时令人称道的经典款。

品牌最近为Jackie 1961带来全新广告企划,找来女星Dakota Johnson出镜,以更“贴地”的方式呈现出手袋的不同魅力。广告由Glen Luchford掌镜,捕捉Dakota Johnson在洛杉矶的生活日常,让我们一窥身为国际巨星的她,无论去运动瑜伽、街头漫步、相约与朋友聚会,晚上参加派对等,在不同场合所穿搭的Gucci,而身上携带的Jackie 1961手袋总是焦点所在。

The original handbag was introduced in 1961, embodying the fashionable traveler style for which Gucci was known in the 1960s and 1970s. In 1999 and 2009, fresh elements were injected into the classic style, bringing it to life with contemporary aesthetics and sophistication. The new advertising campaign pays tribute to the legendary origins of the handbag, highlighting its versatile nature and elegant charm through candid and natural photographs. It reflects how the handbag has remained versatile and elegant throughout different eras and for different individuals. It also breaks tradition with its sleek design and versatile style.

Mini, small, and medium sizes, as well as multiple color options, have been successively released, showcasing a versatile and unique style, and unleashing creativity for each collection. The focus is on the distinctive piston-shaped buckle, paired with diverse materials such as natural grain leather, patent leather, exotic leather, or the iconic GG Supreme canvas. The detachable leather or chain shoulder strap can be further extended, enhancing the versatile style and practical functionality. The 2023 Cruise early spring collection brings a vacation-inspired version with raffia and straw weaving, as well as velvet jacquard patterns.

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