8月 3, 2023

台湾男神杨佑宁出镜演绎!Alexander McQueen 2023 七夕时尚大片,属于「兰夜」的浪漫故事

夏季是兰花盛开的月份,农历七月被称之为「兰月」,而七夕当晚便是「兰夜」。Alexander McQueen于今年的七夕,特别以「兰夜」为主题呈献时尚大片,并找来台湾男神杨佑宁出镜演绎,与大家开展一场仲夏之夜的奇幻旅程。

Alexander McQueen的七夕时尚大片以「蓝夜」为主题,寓意爱情的兰花以光影掠过夜空,男女主角穿上以兰花为设计的最新服饰,跟随兰花的指引,投身自然,一同沉浸于这绚烂多姿,瞬息万变的蓝夜之梦,并用时装语言诠释属于「蓝夜」的浪漫故事。


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  • 除了时尚大片,Alexander McQueen 还于今年七夕之际推出全新 Seal 手袋,设计以弧线和圆润轮廓为元素,采用衬垫小羊皮手工制作,并缀以放大的印章标志,配上金色饰面镂空金属印章扣开合,从内到外都充满细节与质感。

    In addition, there is also a special selection of men’s and women’s clothing, inspired by nature, continuing the brand’s interpretation and exploration of orchids. This includes items such as orchid print pilot jackets, hoodies, sweaters, shirt dresses, as well as iconic accessories like the Knuckle Satchel and Jewelled Hobo rings handbags, footwear, and sunglasses. These accessories combine subversion and beauty, giving orchids an innovative artistic form.

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