This year, August 22nd is Qixi Valentine’s Day, and major fashion brands have seized the opportunity to launch various limited edition collections. In addition to the usual heart-shaped patterns, red tones, and pink elements that represent “love,” there are also designs that combine fashion with unique and creative details, which are suitable for giving to your partner or rewarding yourself. Each brand has also specially created sweet and thoughtful advertising campaigns for the Qixi limited edition collection, to celebrate the deep affection and sweetness.
《ZTYEZ》 presents a collection of limited edition Valentine’s Day series from various brands, providing you with gift inspiration for this year’s Qixi Festival.
Gucci has enlisted the new generation actress Wen Qi and singer Zhou Keyu as brand ambassadors for their advertising campaign. Inspired by romantic poetry, the two of them lie on a bed of flowers and lush green grass, wearing fashionable items from Gucci’s special Qixi collection. This captures the joyful and intimate moments, creating a touching scene.
Gucci的七夕系列涵盖了服饰、手袋、鞋履、配饰等多项时尚单品,将奇幻的主题与闪亮的装饰和绚丽的花卉图案相结合。其中更特意将品牌标志性袋款重新演绎,将Diana印上花卉印花,充满浪漫复古气息;Dionysus手袋以深红色亮片为设计,更镶上了两颗可爱的草莓,还有心形造型的Interlocking G皮革手袋,都散发出时尚气息和愉快的格调。
Loewe 以现代角度演绎牛郎织女的爱情故事,由品牌代言人吴磊与模特儿汪真禛饰演一对恋人,在忙碌不堪的生活节奏下令两人感到像生活于不同时区,两人独处时会写下只字片语,然后将便条折成幸运星,暗喻时下爱侣经常沉迷于电子世界,所以提出要重视及重新领悟爱的真谛,有时一份简单而真诚的心意,好像向爱侣献上一份手工制礼物,往往可以重燃爱的火花。
This time, the Hammock Hobo mini handbag from the Seven Sisters series is presented. It has evolved from the classic Hammock and comes in three exclusive color options: purple, lime green, and slate gray. Each mini handbag comes with a pair of gold and silver star pendants, echoing the love lucky stars in the advertisement, making it the sweetest gift for lovers on the Qixi Festival.
- Jennie、Rosé、Gigi Hadid 都愛穿! 學懂 3 種「白襪子」穿搭術,時尚個性一秒提升!
- 百搭、时尚、雋永!Dior Toujours Bag 登场便成为一众女星新宠
- Diptyque 蜡烛 60 周年!Taeyeon 同款纯白蜡烛礼盒 全球仅有 12 套?
现代爱情就像风筝,无论向何处飞驰,爱人的视线始终离不开彼此的牵引。Marni的七夕情人节限定系列以风筝为主题,并展现爱弥漫在空气中 — “Love Is In The Air”。
系列靈感源於撰寫著熾熱愛意的浪漫情書,設計結合愛的元素、浪漫詩篇與 Marni 標誌,呈現在一系列單品上,包括無性別的 T 恤、恤衫及連帽衛衣等。品牌的人氣 Tropicalia 袋款亦推出七夕限定設計,加入心形刺繡設計,獨添一絲玩味,盡顯夏日氛圍; Dada Bumper 休閒鞋側邊點綴簡約心形元素,襯裡加入心形刺繡圖案,將浪漫意象巧妙地刻畫於細節之中。
Fendi 在七夕情人节,呈献色彩缤纷的限量版款式,包括成衣、手袋、鞋履及配饰,设计洋溢欢愉玩味,兼具传统与创意。
女装系列从2009年春夏季系列的典藏Baguette手袋取材,重新演绎手袋上的彩色FF标志印花,并为整个系列的手袋注入玩味格调。服装设计则大玩涂鸦风格,FENDI Mirror标志印满短身恤衫和不对称半截裙,颂扬精湛工艺和玩味精神。男装方面,以别出心裁的手法重塑经典Fendi图案,渐层彩色效果点缀T恤和双面尼龙外套,Soft Trunk Baguette、Camera Case手袋及Match运动鞋亦呈现相同的渐层彩色效果,洋溢活泼而高雅的活力。
除了一系列2023七夕系列限定产品,巴黎世家还特意邀请了著名摄影师Shinichi Tsutsui拍摄了一支广告片,镜头对准了上海街头的一对真实情侣,他们身穿本系列服装,在短片中展示并讲述了两人初次相遇的情景。
系列包含了多款必备单品,包括 T 恤、卫衣、手袋、鞋款等,其中全黑 T 恤上绣有「Je t’aime」(法语:我爱你)字样与心形图案;而经典 Hourglass 手袋和 Marie-Antoinette 高跟鞋则布满丝带蝴蝶结,别致又时尚。