时尚不止买衫扮靓,其实还包含历史、文化、音乐和文学等丰富内涵,真正认识时尚更有助提升个人修养。法国百年奢侈品牌香奈儿一直秉持 Coco Chanel 女士的精神,从不同方面分享时尚的真正意义。除了生动有趣的《Inside CHANEL》时尚短片,品牌近日更首次举办了一场名为「Rendez-vous littéraire rue Cambon」的文学聚会,由创意总监 Virginie Viard 与最新品牌大使暨摩纳哥公主 Charlotte Casiraghi 共同策划,以「解放」为主题,重新认识过去的女作家,并为今天的女作家发声。
This literary gathering took place at the brand’s headquarters on Rue Cambon in Paris, with writer Sarah Chiche and art historian Fanny Arama in attendance. They sat in front of Coco Chanel’s screen and discussed psychoanalyst and writer Lou Andreas-Salomé, each sharing how Salomé had influenced them. Born in Russia in 1861, Salomé was an outstanding scholar and free thinker, as well as one of the earliest female scholars to study female psychology. Talented and intellectual, she was admired by philosopher Nietzsche, the lover of poet Rainer Maria Rilke, and a friend of psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud.
夏洛特·卡西拉吉说,在她十七岁生日的夏天,卡尔·拉格菲尔德向她推荐了莎乐美的书。她用法语朗读了莎乐美的一些精彩作品,使读者仿佛参加了一场精彩的读书会。在最近 Clubhouse 流行的风气下,不妨推荐大家观赏第一期的「Rendez-vous littéraire rue Cambon」,同时让我们一起期待第二期的推出。