September 21, 2021

#New York Fashion Week: Moschino’s 2022 Spring/Summer collection brings a playful and dreamy vibe, reminiscent of the daily life of 90s socialites.


This season, Moschino made its debut at New York Fashion Week, becoming the highlight of the 2022 spring/summer season.


The design inspiration comes from the classic image of the protagonist Fran Fine in the 1990s American sitcom “The Nanny”; the fashion show is held at Bryant Park in New York, which was the core and soul of New York Fashion Week in the 1990s, paying tribute to New York’s fashion roots.

Creative Director Jeremy Scott reinterprets the classic suits and designs of brand founder Franco Moschino, with a theme of Ladies Who Lunch tea party on the runway, walking the line between simplicity and whimsy, featuring suits, tight corsets, doll-like jackets, knitted jumpsuits, etc., making nostalgic designs come to life through imagination.

The entire series is dominated by pastel colors, with various cute animal prints: a bear flying a kite, a poodle wearing a flower crown, a seal with a striped beach ball on its head, carefree seals, and a giraffe pushing a cart full of flowers on its head, revealing a sense of childlike fun.

As for accessories, they are also full of playful elements, such as edging and buttons in the shapes of tigers, butterflies, skunks, etc., stacked wooden block handbags, and Gigi Hadid’s bottle clutch, as if entering a childlike fantasy world.

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