May 31, 2021

Spiritual healer Boey – Transforming energy to bring out a different me | BETTER LIFE

Negative energy pervades the entire society. How to resolve negative emotions and embrace positive thinking has become a mandatory topic for urbanites. However, before dealing with negative energy, do you understand what negative energy is? When you are daily consumed by negative energy that cannot be touched or seen, how should you take practical action to deal with this elusive energy? This time, the protagonist of Better Life, spiritual and energy healer Boey’s sharing may be your guiding light.

// “Back then, I was worried that my emotional turmoil would kill me” //

Ten years ago, Boey, who had not yet explored spiritual healing, was troubled by emotional issues like many urbanites. She described herself as emotional, quick-tempered, and impatient. In addition to mental health, negative energy even affected her diet, eroded her motivation, and got so bad that she worried she might die. After a heartfelt cry for help, she unknowingly accepted a job related to physical and mental health. Under the guidance of two professional teachers, Boey entered the world of healing, learning various healing knowledge, including animal communication, angel therapy, and SRT spiritual response therapy. Finding direction in the midst of confusion. Overcoming emotional distress, she became a spiritual healer and, together with her husband, founded the healing room Dream Walker, providing energy spiritual and hypnotherapy services. From a third-party perspective, using appropriate healing methods to help clients resolve and deal with current issues, finding direction in the midst of confusion, and returning to a path with a sense of direction, all aspects of life will be smoother. “With over 10 years of spiritual healing experience, my emotions have become very stable. I hope to have peace of mind, although I can’t achieve 100% peace, after all, people face various challenges every day. On average, I think I’m doing well. I no longer feel troubled when facing difficulties, and I have the ability to face them.” From an emo-girl to a calm and peaceful person, the transformation of negative to positive energy has changed Boey into a different person.

// “Energy is like oxygen, just because you can’t touch it doesn’t mean you don’t need it” //

The mind, emotions, energy, and body are closely related, as simple as a pimple on the face may be due to unresolved negative energy. Even though there is such a simple and direct connection, people are accustomed to questioning things that are not real. “People often ask me what negative energy is? How does energy exist? I will use oxygen as a metaphor. We can’t see it, but we won’t deny it. Energy is like oxygen, providing nourishment for the body and mind. When you truly experience the changes it brings, you won’t question it.” In addition to using oxygen as a metaphor, Boey also describes energy as a frequency, with negative energy being low frequency. When you feel happy and excited, the energy frequency will increase, and we can actually control the fluctuations in frequency, rather than being led by energy. The simplest way to dispel negative energy is to do something that makes you happy, take a break, instead of being in a rut, lingering in discomfort for a long time, it is difficult to awaken.

// “Embracing positive energy is not just a slogan” //

After reversing negative thoughts and releasing negative energy, of course, the next step is to inject positive energy into the spiritual space, which is the real energy conversion. Everyone talks about integrating positive energy into their lives, but just talking without action, that positive energy is simply fake. “Our hearts are like a cup, negative energy is dirty water, positive energy is clean water. Even if we can’t completely clean up the dirty water all at once, at least we clean up a part of it first, then through learning to reduce negative thoughts, and changing our thinking patterns to add clean water, slowly the turbid water will be gradually diluted and neutralized by positive energy.” In fact, in addition to doing things that make oneself happy and meditating and calming the mind, Boey also recommended a relatively simple and introductory method of energy conversion: crystals.

“Crystals are energy bodies, practicing connecting with crystals to absorb positive energy”

Every crystal is an energy body, using the characteristics of different crystals to assist in energy transformation. For example, obsidian absorbs negative energy, while clear quartz combines red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet light in the spectrum, making its energy stronger compared to other crystals. You can also incorporate crystal elements into meditation, feeling the purified crystal on your left hand during the meditation process. Through communication with the crystals, accept their energy. As a spiritual healer, Boey sees crystals as friends and partners. When she first encountered crystals, she was just like any other young girl, hoping to use the power of crystals to find love. She had a crystal necklace custom-made by a senior combining strawberry crystal and aquamarine, and with the strong energy of the crystal’s assistance, she quickly met a partner who is now her husband. Is it fate or coincidence? Boey believes in the magical power of crystals. She has always taken care of each crystal carefully and placed various crystals in Dream Walker. “There is a lot of energy processing in my healing room every day, so I place crystal balls, crystal caves, and other large crystals in this space to stabilize the energy and maintain a comfortable frequency, making the energy feel natural and good.”


就如 Boey 所說,能量的存在就如空氣,自然存在卻需要大家真切對待,用心感受。非筆墨能形容,也非科學理性能解釋,但人就是一個最佳證明。眼前的 Boey 從容不迫,難以想像十多年前是位情緒女生,如今變成 better me,卻沒有討厭過去的自己。懂得欣賞不同階段的自己,縱然並不完美,就如欣賞一朵花,由含苞待放到開到荼蘼,每個階段也有不同的美態,上一秒鐘的不完美,也許會成就下一分鐘的美好,這是 Boey 欣賞自己的方法,也是她值得大家欣賞的地方。

Producer: Vicky Wai
Editor: Candy Chan
Videographer: Andy Lee, @man_tam_
Photographer: @man_tam_
Video Editor: Andy Lee
Designer: Tanna Cheng
Special Thanks:@hkdreamwalker

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