4月 28, 2023

CHANEL 史上首枚手表!张蔓姿型格演绎 Première 手表,分享最难忘的「第一次」

香奈儿Première Édition Originale手表问世35周年,在制表创意工作室总监Arnaud Chastaingt的带领下,去年重新发行,在保持经典轮廓与美学,忠于自我的风貌再次华丽亮相。

歌手张蔓姿 ( Gigi ) 演绎 Première 腕表亲身感受其雋永魅力,更与我们分享时间的意义,以及 Première 腕表与她的共同之处。

当张蔓姿遇上Première Édition Originale
張蔓姿型格演繹 Première 腕錶

ZTYLEZ : 你认为时间的意义是什么?

ZTYLEZ : 在人生经历中,最难忘的「第一次」?
Gigi:早前在旺角麦花臣举行的演唱会令我非常难忘,毕竟是我人生第一次举行演唱会,所以好想记下这个 moment。出场那一刻我仍然记忆犹新,已经刻进了我心内,每当我回想起那一个 moment,仿佛就会变成「 slow motion 」,加上入场的每一位观众都是来支持我,所以那个 moment 对我来说非常特别和重要。

ZTYLEZ : 关于Première腕表的故事,最能吸引你的地方是?
Gigi:最能吸引我的地方是Première腕表十分iconic,只要看到Première腕表,就知道这就是Chanel的,将每个经典细节完美结合,品牌魅力真的十分厉害。更加从设计上的细节认识了很多关于Chanel的故事,原来Gabrielle Chanel以前就是住在芳登广场中的Ritz Hotel,她从套房望出去的景致,就成为了Première的设计灵感。


張蔓姿型格演繹 Première 腕錶

ZTYLEZ:What do you think is the connection between the spirit of Première and your personality?
Gigi: It’s the Spirit of Freedom. I am someone who values freedom very much, and the Première watch is very revolutionary, representing the pursuit of freedom. Since its introduction in 1987, the watch has continuously evolved with different designs, just like my creative process, where I draw inspiration from everyday life and constantly innovate to create my own works. I believe this is something I have in common with Première.

ZTYLEZ:Describe your outfit and the Première watch on your wrist. Why do you wear a watch?
Gigi: Although I am someone who values time, I don’t necessarily wear a watch every day. Instead, I choose to wear a watch based on my mood for the day. Today’s outfit focuses on a red leather vest, paired with my favorite skirt or pants, creating a red and black leather look. I specifically chose this belt to complement the Première Gourmette Chain watch on my left wrist. Unlike the original version, the black and silver color with a stainless steel chain gives it a more neutral and slightly punk style, which matches my mood and outfit for today.

Première 腕表的设计灵感
Chanel Première

The Chanel Première watch, which was introduced in 1987, not only represents the passing of time, but also a style and aesthetic that still remains a classic representation of the brand. It is called Première, which means “first” in French, not only representing Chanel’s first foray into the world of watches, but also breaking the mold of the watchmaking industry at that time, which was still predominantly focused on men’s watches. It is the first watch ever designed specifically for women. The concept behind Première perfectly embodies the philosophy of women pursuing freedom and living in the present moment.

作为 Chanel 第一个手表系列,Première Édition Originale 由时任艺术总监 Jacques Helleu 设计,其优雅却前卫的八角形造型,灵感汲取自 N°5 香水瓶盖和芳登广场的轮廓,重现了 Chanel 女士从丽池酒店 (Hôtel Ritz Paris) 套房眺望出去的景致。八角形轮廓所配衬的穿皮金属链则来自经典菱格纹手袋,链带灵活柔软,赋予了女性佩戴自由。优雅的黑色漆面表面与金色表壳,表面上没有任何数字时标,亦不见秒针及日期显示,只有两根金色指针悠然转动,而表冠镶嵌凸圆形縞玛瑙让双色几何图案更臻完美。


Première Édition Originale

为庆祝Première腕表再次回归,Chanel将在中环IFC打造“CHANEL Première Funfair”主题乐园,从即日起至5月7日,让大家亲身探索Première Édition Originale腕表的全新魅力!

「CHANEL Première Funfair」体验活动现场设计将腕表的标志性风格元素,以充满趣味的方式呈现于每个细节之中:场地以黑、金色贯穿,金色的八角形气球造型装饰呼应腕表轮廓,皮穿链表带幻化成轨道环绕贯穿全场;通过互动装置让宾客沉浸于Première Funfair的梦幻氛围之中。

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