4月 21, 2023

Rolex “Craftsmanship Recommendation Subsidy Program” Mentor List: Jia Zhangke is among them.


劳力士和艺术领域一直以来有着密不可分的关系,从2002年开始成立「劳力士创艺推荐资助计划」(Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative),旨在助力宝贵知识代代相传,为世界上许多才华洋溢的艺坛新秀寻觅各界艺术大师,传承及延续美好的创作。


The program covers various fields such as architecture, dance, film, literature, music, drama, and visual arts. It typically operates on a two-year cycle. Through the Creative Mentorship Program, young artists have the opportunity to be mentored by masters in their respective fields and engage in creative collaborations for a certain period of time. Currently, the program has paired 63 international master artists with talented young artists from around the world.


在2023至2024年度的全球导师计划名单,包括5位蜚声国际的艺术名家——艾尔·安纳祖(El Anatsui,视觉艺术)、柏娜汀·埃瓦里斯托(Bernardine Evaristo,文学)、安·拉卡顿(Anne Lacaton,建筑)、戴安·韦芙丝(Dianne Reeves,音乐),还包括了中国「第六代」导演的领军人物——贾樟柯。他们将成为2023至2024年度「劳力士创艺推荐资助计划」的导师,各自指导一名艺术新秀的门生。而贾樟柯将与菲律宾电影制作人Rafael Manuel结为「师徒」。

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