7月 3, 2023

Gem Dior 系列新作登场!抽象几何美学,谱写强而有力的爱情宣言

睽违两年,Gem Dior系列今年推出了全新款式,由珠宝艺术总监Victoire de Castellane倾力设计出Gem Dior、Gemmes Dior及J’aime Dior三重奏,谱写强而有力的爱情宣言。

Gem Dior’s new collection features a sophisticated and abstract composition that combines elements of nature and high fashion. The design is inspired by the 2019 Gem Dior high jewelry collection, which also draws inspiration from geological rock formations and uncut gemstones. The intricate details pay homage to Christian Dior’s couture fashion aesthetic, with the rectangular shapes of the rings and bracelets resembling fabric samples on the walls of Dior’s studio. The collection is crafted using platinum, rose gold, yellow gold, semi-set diamonds, and fully set diamonds, showcasing the luxurious textures of silk, wool, and exquisite embroidery. The new collection incorporates different elements with unique textures, creating a rich layering effect and a captivating sense of contrast.

除了最新的戒指和手链,Gem Dior系列在初次亮相时就将珠宝和钟表制作完美融合,今年还为系列增添了两款手表,设计精髓正如Victoire de Castellane所说:“可以显示时间的珍贵手镯”。不对称表盘设计注重材料、色彩和密度的对比,孔雀石、黄金和精钢,以及青金石与装饰宝石的搭配,与整个珠宝系列的美学完美呼应。


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