April 28, 2021

Margot Robbie appointed as the latest ambassador for CHANEL J12 watches, sharing her time story.

CHANEL J12_Margot Robbie

Since the birth of the classic watch J12 from CHANEL, the brand has invited many representative women to serve as brand ambassadors, and Margot Robbie has recently become the new face of the J12 watch. In the newly released series of advertisements, she is elegant and charming with the J12 watch, sharing her own time story with everyone.

CHANEL J12_Margot Robbie

In life, every moment can be a significant milestone that is far from a coincidence, and the J12 watch is born for women who are happy to experience life, accompanying them through every moment, recording the fleeting stories.

In the most classic J12 watch advertisement by CHANEL, women such as Keira Knightley, Lily-Rose Depp, Vanessa Paradis, and Ali McGraw shared important moments that changed them. Margot Robbie expressed that being listed alongside other outstanding women in the advertisement is truly an unbelievable moment, and the significance of the J12 watch to her is definitely a witness and appreciation of time.

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