不得不说贝克汉姆夫人除了拥有时尚品味,更非常有商业头脑!贝克汉姆一家向来都是时尚界与娱乐圈的焦点,今年10月Netflix独家上映的纪录片《Beckham》(贝克汉姆传),更令贝克汉姆与贝克汉姆夫人Victoria Beckham的故事与24年婚姻史再次成为热议焦点!
纪录片其中一段的二人对话更是令观众津津乐道,第一集中碧咸嫂在访问时说到「我们两个都来自非常认真工作的家庭,很劳动阶层的层级。」碧咸马上从房间门外探出头笑着表示要老婆说实话,Victoria Beckham说自己就是说实话,碧咸接着问「你爸开什么车载你上学?」Victoria Beckham纠结了一下说:「这答案不只一个,有时候要看情况。」碧咸汉继续问,「请直接说出来。」最后她答:「我爸在80年代有一台劳斯莱斯。」让碧咸笑着说谢谢并继续回到房间中。
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This conversation has gone viral on various social media platforms, and even audiences who haven’t seen the documentary know this dialogue. Just on the 17th, Victoria Beckham posted a selfie on IG wearing a white tee with the slogan “My dad had a Rolls-Royce”, with a small VB abbreviation below the slogan. This is a new product launched by her personal fashion brand, priced at $150. The key point is that the white tee sold out within a day, which means that everyone has responded well to Victoria Beckham’s self-deprecating humor and couldn’t help but take out their wallets, making her the talk of the town again!