April 2, 2024

Adding different colors and scenery to the streets, HKwalls 9th Street Art Festival.

In response to Hong Kong Arts Month, the city is filled with an artistic atmosphere. Recently, in addition to different texts on the streets, many colors have been added. Have you noticed those artworks on the streets? The 9th edition of the HKWALLS Street Art Festival, which has always focused on street art and culture, has invited many artists from overseas, mainland China, and locally to add color to the streets!

March 28, 2024

【Art March】Eight highlights not to be missed at Art Basel 2024!

The annual Art Basel Hong Kong exhibition held in Asia is a major event, showcasing top galleries from Asia and around the world. This year, there are a total of 242 galleries from 40 countries and regions participating, presenting a diverse artistic vision, historical materials, and forward-looking works by renowned and emerging artists. ZTYLEZ has gathered eight highlights for everyone to appreciate together the works of Art Basel!

March 28, 2024

【Art March】Art Central 2024 Exhibition Guide!

As another highlight event of Hong Kong Art Week, Art Central officially kicked off at the Central Harbourfront. At yesterday's VIP preview, we saw participation from 98 galleries from 40 countries, as well as over 500 outstanding artists and speakers from around the world. With rich artworks and activities, it is definitely not to be missed!

March 26, 2024

Discovering the light of the city in black and white! Fortnum & Mason X Alan Schaller’s first photography exhibition “Port of Light”

Fortnum & Mason restaurant held its first photography exhibition "Port of Light" today, featuring black and white photographs by the renowned London street photographer Alan Schaller. His work is not only highly popular, with over 1 million followers on IG, but has also been covered by many international media outlets; this morning, he even held a photography tour to share his photography experience and skills with photography enthusiasts!

March 25, 2024

Starting from the “word,” reinterpret the community’s human touch! “Love You Ten Thousand Words” Contemporary Art Exhibition

From street to street corner, words carry different people, stories, and emotions, and are also an important part of connecting the life and culture of the community. If you want to get to know a neighborhood, you can start with "words"! The contemporary art exhibition "Love You Ten Thousand Words" curated by AIRSIDE GATE33 Art Gallery allows everyone to deeply understand the culture and Hong Kong-style human touch of four neighborhoods near Kai Tak.

March 22, 2024

Feel the magic of Tadao Ando’s church architecture with the wind, light, and water!

The "Church of Light" (also known as the Ikuta Church) has always been a fascinating story in the architectural world. Designed by the renowned Japanese architect Tadao Ando, the official website recently announced its closure due to staffing and budget issues, no longer allowing visitors inside, which is a great pity. The "Church of Light," where light converses with the divine, is one of Tadao Ando's masterpieces. While it is regrettable to bid farewell, it is also a good opportunity to appreciate and follow his creations.

March 21, 2024

British renowned artist Gary Card takes you to experience a different “crowded” world! The new exhibition at “Oi Street Focus” is now open.

When you hear “a sea of people,” what do you think of? British artist Gary Card is quite fond of the Cantonese-style English term “PEOPLE MOUNTAIN PEOPLE SEA.” Although this is his first major exhibition in Hong Kong, he mentioned that each of his three visits to the city has shown him a different charm […]

March 20, 2024

Art lovers must visit! Pacific Place in Admiralty collaborates with Art Basel to showcase the works of Australian artist Daniel Boyd for the first time globally.

This year's "Art March" brings together many highly anticipated events for art enthusiasts, with the most eye-catching being Art Basel. And once again, Pacific Place has joined forces with Art Basel Hong Kong to globally premiere a large-scale installation artwork by renowned Australian Aboriginal artist Daniel Boyd!

March 20, 2024

Enter the artist’s art box! “ADC Art Space” opens for the first time

Have you ever fantasized about how art is created? What kind of environment and atmosphere do they experience during the creative process? Each artist has a different personality and different spatial needs, especially in the limited space of Hong Kong. Therefore, the Hong Kong Arts Development Council has launched the "ADC Art Space Scheme" to help artists alleviate rental pressure and assist the arts community in pursuing art. This rare opportunity is now open to the public for exploration.

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