12月 27, 2023

10/10 HOPE 铜锣湾首间店铺正式开幕:精选回购率最高的 4 大皇牌产品!

10/10 hope

源自台湾的复合式概念生活店10/10 HOPE的首间地铺于本月在铜锣湾名店坊正式开幕!严选世界各地独具匠心的天然纯净品牌,包括一系列的肌肤保养、头发及居家护理、香氛、芳疗及茶疗等有机产品,将身心灵平衡带入生活中,打造质感生活提案!


10/10 hope


10/10 hope

Cannot miss popular brands include minimalist skincare brand L:A BRUKET from the Swedish coast, British aristocratic brand Bamford, British No.1 natural organic skincare brand Dr. Jackson’s, and Australian pure natural home cleaning brand Bondi Wash, etc. Not only reduce damage to the skin and body, but also reflect love for the earth, regulate the skin and body from the inside out, making skincare simple and reassuring.

10/10 hope
L:A BRUKET 017 Moisturizing Lip Balm Almond Coconut HK$135/14g

輕鬆解脫乾唇煩惱!含有蜂蠟、杏仁油和椰子油的天然潤唇棒,輕薄質地舒適順滑,可滋養並保護唇部、提供持久舒適潤澤功效,不論炎熱乾燥或寒冷氣候皆適用。榮獲歐盟 COSMOS NATURAL 天然認證,敏感肌也能安心使用!

bamford 天竺葵沐浴露 HK$465/500毫升;HK$290/250毫升

Egyptian geranium’s herbal center fragrance, combined with lavender and spicy tonka bean, is embellished with a hint of peppermint and blue gum eucalyptus. It revitalizes the body and mind during bathing, bringing balance and relief, and removing the fatigue of the day. The gentle plant-based shower gel contains soothing aloe vera, rich in anti-aging ingredients, cleansing and restoring skin vitality, injecting positive energy into life again!


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