世界色彩权威机构 Pantone 最近公布了 2023 年年度流行色 “Color of the Year 2023”,由全新创造出来、充满喜庆感与活力的 18-1750 Viva Magenta 顺利跑出。这款偏红的紫罗兰调满有力量,自信且大胆,相当适合用于穿搭妆扮中,以突出个人性格特质。究竟如何把 2023 年主题色调 Viva Magenta 融入日常造型当中?不如就参考时尚达人们的实际示范吧!
Although black, white, and gray are always popular in the fashion industry, fashion enthusiasts who like to challenge themselves also love to incorporate high-intensity colors into their outfits, even showcasing a total look. Viva Magenta, a shade between purple and burgundy, is also one of their choices. The oversized suit jacket and wide-leg pants in Viva Magenta are essential pieces to wear, not only to enjoy the brightening effect on the complexion and enhance the overall aura, but also to soften the mature taste of Viva Magenta with their neutral and sleek design.
除了在服装上加入Viva Magenta色,妆发部分当然也是另一个用色之处。日本双胞胎时尚达人Aya Amiaya与Ami Amiaya自「出道」以来就以Viva Magenta髮色示人,比桃红更红又带点紫调的髮色显白又显年轻,髮色相同、颜值相近的二人每次登场都相当抢眼,轻易成为fashion show场内场外的焦点。
为了配合Viva Magenta髮色,姐妹二人也经常在妆容上加入Viva Magenta元素,平衡整体视觉效果。简易又具效果的紫红唇色必然就是最常见的一项,此外Aya与Ami也会在眼线与眉妆上用上Viva Magenta系色调,点到即止的处理同样发挥到画龙点睛的作用。看过Aya与Ami的妆容介绍后,你也对Viva Magenta妆容心动了吗?入手以下5款色调与Viva Magenta相近似的妆物,率先把满有感染力的2023年年度色彩用在面庞上吧!