8月 4, 2023



RAZE has always valued a healthy lifestyle, from the brand’s protective series to the brand new home fragrance series, which are the best evidence. In the post-pandemic era, consumer behavior and lifestyle habits have also changed, and RAZE will also welcome everyone with a new look, focusing on fragrance and spirituality, and bringing three series of products, extending a series of changes to fragrance, opening a new chapter for the brand!

生活节奏急速,令人难以喘息。对RAZE而言,心灵、情绪健康与生活紧密相连。品牌创办人偶然发现瑜伽中专注呼吸的「调息法」有助舒解压力、梳理思绪,从而受其三种感官状态「喚醒、放慢、平衡」有所启发,设计出三种品牌专属的全新香气:「FRESH LIFT」、「UNWIND HOUR」和「CLOUD NINE」,将三种香气融入产品当中,让香气在生活中如影随形。

RAZE 全新专属香气:「清新提升」、「放松时光」和「九霄云端」

Three fragrances represent three moments perfectly, waking up in the morning with the refreshing floral scent of “FRESH LIFT” to start the day; then, slowing down with “UNWIND HOUR” and immersing in the scent of cedarwood and violet, enjoying a peaceful time. Finally, concluding with “CLOUD NINE,” a blend of sweet fruit and woody fragrance, balancing the body and mind, allowing the inner self to return to tranquility.



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  • Collaborating with a French perfume manufacturer with a history of 260 years, we are launching three new product series: home fragrances, household items, and natural skincare products, including scented candles, room diffusers, fragrance sprays, and hand sanitizers. Infused with natural plant essential oils and using 100% vegan formulas, all ingredients are free from animal ingredients, by-products, and harmful substances such as CMR, meeting the safety requirements of IFRA global standards and catering to the needs of sensitive skin.

    RAZE 香氛喷雾


    RAZE 香氛蠟燭系列


    RAZE 室内香薰和洗手液

    To match the brand’s new image, the three specialty stores have recently undergone a new decoration style, transforming the intangible fragrance into a sensory journey. As soon as you enter the store, you can embark on a healing journey for the body and mind, tranquil yet warm. The overall space is dominated by streamlined design, complemented by a soft gray background and regular lines, creating a harmonious visual experience. The exclusive plant arrangements and the use of translucent resin and frosted stainless steel as building materials in the store perfectly echo the brand’s advocacy of natural aesthetics.

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